
  • First Time Watching Ewoks: The Battle for Endor

    Having never watched The Battle for Endor before, I was truly shocked by its opening. Two decades before Anakin will slaughter younglings in Revenge of the Sith, this light and fluffy children’s movie begins by brutally butchering most of the cast of the first film. Caravan of Courage’s kid...
  • First Time Watching Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure

    Finally putting an end to those irritating YouTube videos titled things like “The Star Wars movies they don’t want you to see,” Disney have added the 1980’s Ewok movies to Disney+, introducing a new generation to the bizarre made-for-TV films spinning off the furry aliens from Return of the...
  • Worst Things About The Star Wars Original Trilogy

    It’s easy to say that the original trilogy is flawless. The films are monoliths of popular culture, inspiring current legends of cinema like Christopher Nolan to begin making films. They propelled the art of visual effects forwards into previously unimaginable directions and most of all made multiple generations fall...