
  • A Final Flash Of Hope

    This is an excellent season. I love the way it builds and really twists what we thought we knew as an audience. Watching the characters grapple with the shift in circumstances is really interesting. With several of the “lesser lights” getting a chance to really get involved and develop...
  • Out Of Heroes Episode 8 – Flashpoint Flip Flop

    With The CW’s platter of TV shows returning to our screens, our Out of Heroes team sat down to discuss the post-Flashpoint state of the nation. With changes across the board, Stuart, Scott and Alex had a lot to say about how The CW is working out for the...
  • Out of Heroes Episode 3 – DC TV at SDCC

    Scott, Stuart & Alex meet up to discuss the trailers and reveals from the DC television universe. See the guys discuss The Flash and Arrow trailers for their new seasons. Out of Heroes Episode 3 - The Flash Season 3 SDCC TrailerWatch this video on YouTube Out of Heroes...
  • This Week’s TV Highlights – 28th May 2016

    As one TV season ends, another starts, so the saying goes (it does, doesn’t it?). Viewers are lucky this week to have a plethora of great TV to watch! With The Flash pushing into it’s finale week and Supergirl bearing down, on its first season end, I am happy...
  • This Week’s TV Highlights

    Around this time every year, TV series start the awkward transition from the mid-season to the finale. Sometimes they hit the target, others, not so much. However, this year seems different, as the shows gracing our screens are hitting the mark repeatedly, something as viewers, we should all be...