michael fassbender

  • Alien: Covenant – Movie Review

    Watch this video on YouTube Alien: Covenant is directed by Ridley Scott and is the sequel to Prometheus but also the prequel to Alien. In this film the crew of the ship “Covenant” is heading to hopefully colonize and start a new life on a new world, but they...
  • X-Men Apocalypse Review

    Originally posted by Scott Sedman This review may contain spoilers please avoid reading until after viewing the movie. Bryan Singer’s X-Men films have always been enjoyable and Apocalypse is no different. The film tells the story of Apocalypse reawakening in the 80’s set on gathering powerful mutants and reclaiming rulership...
  • Assassins Re-Writing It’s Creed

    As expected at this time of year, Ubisoft kept up their annualised tradition of having a “leak” of information about upcoming franchise releases; but this one had a little bit of a twist! This week’s data breach suggests that the normally annualised Assassin’s Creed game will be taking a...
  • Could The Assassin’s Creed Film Be The First Great Video Game Adaptation?

    Video game adaptations are notoriously bad; in fact I’ve written an entire blog on just how bad they are and why game adaptations would be better suited to TV. You should be able to find that on the site if you’re interested. However we’re currently at a big moment...