Pokemon Go Users Claim First Legendary Pokemon

By David Wyatt

Multiple reports suggest Pokemon Go has unleashed the first legendary in the form of Articuno. With multiple screenshots, photos and a video the evidence suggests this is legit and not a hoax. So if you want the legendary ice bird head over to Ohio.


Ok so it could be a fake, or a hack rather than an actual event but it’s got people talking and speculating. No word yet from Niantic on this either. Here’s a video that purports to show Articuno holding a gym.

Data miners have revealed that there are multiple Legendary Pokemon hidden in Pokemon Go but most players theorised that Legendaries would be restricted to special events, similar to the way it works for the ultra rare mythological Pokemon in the main games. So what do you think? Real of Fake? we will update the story if we get a definitive answer.


Writer, Editor, Risk Taker. Dave Wyatt is the 62nd Heir to the throne. Which throne? He won't tell us. We gave him the task of writing all the profiles and the about us section. As you can see it was a mistake. However we shall keep them because he is totally a handsome chap.
One Comment
  • Michael Allen
    2 August 2016 at 1:45 pm
    Leave a Reply

    Well I read thst one legendary was to be released with the new update so I guess it’s possible! Still…find it rather unlikely!

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