1 – The First One

In the first episode of their new podcast, Adam & Alfred talk about the on-goings of the gaming world, the new Star Trek series and sauce… It’s all happening...

In the first episode of their new podcast, Adam & Alfred talk about the on-goings of the gaming world, the new Star Trek series and sauce… It’s all happening in the first episode of the Rattle On Podcast!

Twitter: @RattleOnPod

Email: rattleonpod@gmail.com

Adam is a Writer, Editor & Podcaster here at Out of Lives. He casts a wide net across popular culture with video games & anime, in particular, featuring heavily in his work for the site. Hailing from a town just outside Glasgow, this Scotsman can usually be found roaming the Northern Realms on The Path or behind the wheel of a Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Car.
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