
  • Deathloop Always Has One More Mystery, Even After Earning the Platinum

    The joy of Deathloop comes from discovery. Discovery of your targets and a way to manipulate them into appearing at the right place at the right time. Discovery of a back entrance, a hidden grate, an open window to sneak into a place of tactical advantage. Discovery of a...
  • Thoughts on Deathloop respecting my time

    I was a little intimidated going into Deathloop, Arkane and Bethesda’s new FPS action game. Its premise of surviving the loop whilst hitting all the targets was a daunting challenge; one I was up for. With the available gaming time I have at this point in my life I...
  • Discovering Dishonored

    With the PlayStation 5 on the horizon, I’ve dedicated the past few months of gaming to filling in some of those gaps we all have in our respective gaming knowledge by playing through acclaimed games and franchises that I’ve somehow left untouched. The Bioshock games were fantastic, as were...