“Real Life Gaming” – Incredible Midtown – The Review

what happens when gaming becomes a part of everyday reality rather than just pixelated images from a screen? That’s where Incredible Midtown steps in

Gaming on a console or in an arcade is fun. Gaming on a console in your own home with a Virtual Reality headset is looking like it’s going to be a lot of fun. But what happens when gaming becomes a part of everyday reality rather than just pixelated images from a screen? That’s where Incredible Midtown steps in.

Now for the purpose of spoilers, I am going to be as vague as possible and not give any of the clues away!

Based in the area surrounding St Giles in London, IM is a game without the use of a games console and a controller; you could even argue it’s a first person puzzle adventure! In a team of friends and/or strangers you are asked to travel back in time to solve a mystery based in three centuries of London history.

Meeting at the corner of Denmark Street you are whisked away by your “tour guide” who starts you off to your shadowy and secretive adventure through the back streets of London. Following an “incident” it’s down to you and the rest of the intrepid explorers to uncover the ghostly secrets which linger in the backstreets of this area of the city. As you make your way you will experience both “live” and innate clues which will guide you to relevant destinations to progress the story. Keeping your wits about you, you will have to guide yourself around the hustle and bustle to find the subtly placed clues which will lead to the story unfolding before your eyes. Actors and actresses are hidden in plain sight to help you with your quest; but be warned they may do you more harm than good!

Sparked an interest? Check out the website below:


Running for only 5 weeks this event really is a “Real Life Exclusive” and at only £12 per person it’s worth every penny!

Good luck detectives- Look out for the horseless carriages!

Remember you can find more at @MeteCritic

Keep it on the OOL!


Mete Redif, Mete Calls himself a critic, which is a lot nicer than what we call him. Wasn't happy to discover a site using a similar name to his articles.
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