You’re The Worst

Lee laments for one last time.



Hear Me Moan,

I can’t believe I’m on week 52 already – which means I’ve been blogging every Friday for an entire year – which also means I need to wrap up this ‘Lee Laments’ act. So this will be the last edition of Lee the Lamentor. That doesn’t mean I’ll vanish entirely, it just means things are changing and I’ve decided to change with them. Let’s move on to this week’s topic – the sitcom You’re the Worst.

It’s not my job to review this sitcom, nor is it my responsibility to convince any of you to watch it, but if you haven’t watched at least one episode then you probably should. You can find it on 5 Star (which is a genuine channel apparently) at 11pm on a Thursday – or catch up on the rerun on Tuesday nights.

I like You’re The Worst because it’s about two vile human beings who I can relate to. It’s essentially a romantic comedy about a British narcissist and an American whore falling in love, and even though you want the two of them to admit their feelings for one another the premise of the show only works if they both avoid the inevitable for as long as possible. That may sound like an overused technique used in every Rom Com/soap opera since the beginning of time but there’s something self-destructive but also rewarding when it’s happening to two people you should hate.



I don’t relate to these characters because I’m like them; I relate because you’re able to live through them. Jimmy (British guy) and Gretchen (American girl) have no qualms about behaving badly or rejecting social trends and all that other bullshit we all adhere to but secretly hate. Yeah, Jimmy and Gretchen are selfish but at least they’re honest – and not just to each other (which is extremely important in forming a healthy relationship) but to everyone they meet – so in a way their relationships with strangers are better than the ones we share with our shitty work colleagues.



Anyway, that’s enough rambling. I hope you’ve enjoyed/despised my Lee the Lamentor blogs and I hope (in some small way at least) I’ve made a difference. Whether that was changing your mind or solidifying your pre-existing opinions, it’s all the same to me.


100% NOT SAFE FOR WORK trailer… but show your asshole boss anyway!

You can find me on Twitter @LeeLaments (The Grumpus).


Ross worked here once? what ever happened to him?
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