Free to Play Game Kill Strain Coming July

More Beta slots avaialble

Sony has announced that their San Diego Studio’s PVP action game Kill Strain will be leaving limited access and be available to download on July 12th for PlayStation Plus users and July 19th for everyone else.

Kill Strain is one of three service-based titles being released by the San Diego studio. The first title was Guns Up!, the second Kill Strain, and the third will be Drawn to Death which will arrive later this year.


As of now Kill Strain is still in limited access but Sony will be releasing a new wave of invites from 29th June to 3rd July so you may be able to get your hands on the title early. If you want to be a part of the Beta sign up at

For those players that are currently part of the Beta, a full account wipe will take place on the 28th June so be prepared for new players and server downtime. Also, as a reward to the Beta players Sony will be giving away an exclusive in-game item – The Vanguard Vincent Skin – if you manage to reach level 20 on or before Monday, July 4th at 11:59pm PDT.

Kill Strain is a PvP experience that pits three teams against one another under uniquely dynamic circumstances. Composed of two teams of four humans, and one team of one or two mutants; mutants have the ability to turn their human combatants to their team – resulting in the team sizes shifting as the match progresses.

Matches end when one of three end conditions are met:

  1. All humans turned
  2. Base destroyed (human or mutant)
  3. Strain takes over (time runs out)

With team-based gameplay and individual-based scoring, the key for best results is to stay active. Throughout the match, there are various ways to score points and at times helping teammates or enemies alike can be to your advantage.


Writer and Podcast Editor Kevin Tarne was born as an insult to nature. The seventh son of a seventh son, Kevin is the world’s last audio Wizard and wields his unreliable PC to fight evil and edit podcasts. Kevin is responsible for the unprecedented quality of the podcasts audio.
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