Tanked Up 170 – Bloodstained Skies

Ben and Aadil had a little trip out last night so this weeks episode has some beer chat but doesn’t feature any drinking, boo, hiss, we know. Ben and...

Ben and Aadil had a little trip out last night so this weeks episode has some beer chat but doesn’t feature any drinking, boo, hiss, we know. Ben and Aadil went to The Good Measure for a tap take over from The Kernel and tell Lucy all about the beers. Lucy’s been playing more Super Mario Maker 2 and has finished Bloodstained Ritual of the Night. Ben talks a little about Sunless Skies and cries that PES was removed from PS Plus. Finally, Aadil has a list of indie titles to discuss including Distance, Flat Out 2, Nidhogg 2 and Super Flight.


Ben is like a fine wine, he spends far to much time in cellars. He deliberately developed a stutter and a slur and walks with a limp to conceal his raging alcohol problem. Once beat up a fish for looking at him funny. Ben hosts the Tanked up podcast, but we are pretty sure he isn't aware of that.
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