Tanked Up 290 – Ben get Inscryption already

This week we chat Giant’s Uprising, now in early access, and Lucy and Aadil convince Ben to just buy Inscryption already. Don’t worry spoilers are avoided, but really go...

This week we chat Giant’s Uprising, now in early access, and Lucy and Aadil convince Ben to just buy Inscryption already. Don’t worry spoilers are avoided, but really go play it. Aadil gives a brief update on Hermitage: Strange Case Files. The gang chats Forza Horizon 5, with Lucy knowing the series, but not this entry, and the other two with their first few hours with this newest one.


Lucy has the Wiper and True DDH Pale Ale Hopgarden No 8. Ben starts out with Haacht Super 8 Blanche before moving on to Stay Out DIPA from Drop Project and Neon Raptor. Aadil starts with the Rich Yuzu NEIPA from Nepomucen and finishes with Peninsula’s Golosa Imperial Stout.


Aadil Kurji is an enigma. It is said that if you say Aadil into a mirror 6 times whilst standing on his face he will get very angry. Aadil makes up the entire team of the Out of Lives Canadian branch and for that he is sorry. Aadil hosts the popular beer and gaming podcast Tanked Up
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