
  • Frieza Enters The Fray

    It has all led to this. The events of Season One and Season Two build towards what happens here in Season Three. 825~ minutes of screen time – including the longest 5 minutes of all time – over 33 episodes, 20 of which contain one of, if not the...
  • The Saiyan’s Make Themselves Known

    Before we get started I’m going to give you a little background info on me and Dragon Ball Z. (Also, check out my prior article explaining how I’m watching DBZ in fantastic 4:3 HD Blu-Ray goodness.) I was born in 1994. So I was the right age for the...
  • RNGesus Is A Dick

    It’s a bold headline. Many of you are probably thinking “Whaaat?” I am of course referring to the Random Number Generator that forms the basis of many loot drop based games. Destiny and Dragonball XenoVerse are the 2 games that come to mind, that I’ve played recently, which have...