Tanked Up 327 – Moar Bit Rot Games

Aadil continues his chat with Chad and Curtis of Bit Rot Games. We chat about the narrative focus of Recursive Ruin, demo design and testing, and the procedural techniques...
Tanked Up 327 - Moar Bit Rot Games

Aadil continues his chat with Chad and Curtis of Bit Rot Games. We chat about the narrative focus of Recursive Ruin, demo design and testing, and the procedural techniques from music to visuals.

We also chatted about how to make the perfect martini, the perils and pros of machine learning, JS Bach’s music and Magic: The Gathering.


No beer for Chad, instead we have an extensive chat about Black IPAs, and where they can excel (or fail). Curtis has the Chimay White Trappist Tripel, while Aadil has Siren Cacao & Hazelnut Broken Dream Twisted Breakfast Stout.




Aadil Kurji is an enigma. It is said that if you say Aadil into a mirror 6 times whilst standing on his face he will get very angry. Aadil makes up the entire team of the Out of Lives Canadian branch and for that he is sorry. Aadil hosts the popular beer and gaming podcast Tanked Up
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