Game Trademark Registered By Sony

Possible Sequel?

NeoGAF user ‘Ekim’ may have stumbled upon a title for one of Sony’s future games. When searching EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) Ekim found this newly registered title:



After some digging we found out there was actually a PS1 title by this name. G-Police, the original, was released in 1997 by publisher and developer Psygnosis for PC and then came to the Playstation in 1999. In 2007 G-Police was made available for download on the Playstation Network.

Whether this is just a case of re-registering an old I.P or Sony has a sequel in the works is anyone’s guess but we’ll keep you updated should the story develop any further.




Writer and Podcast Editor Kevin Tarne was born as an insult to nature. The seventh son of a seventh son, Kevin is the world’s last audio Wizard and wields his unreliable PC to fight evil and edit podcasts. Kevin is responsible for the unprecedented quality of the podcasts audio.
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