Elite: Dangerous the Space adventure, trading, and combat game developed Frontier Developments has received an update. To implement the update the servers will be down for 10+ hours and the update itself is a whopping 9.2GB!
The biggest element of of patch 2.1 is the addition of NPCs called The Engineers. These appear at new and unique bases around the Milky Way. You may be be surprised to hear the Engineers speak to you, which is completely new for Elite: Dangerous. The purpose of Engineers is to craft upgrades, they task you with collecting materials and reward you with upgrades that alter your stats randomly. As you complete the Engineer quests you will build reputation which opens up new opportunities for quests and upgrades.
The full list of improvements and new features is pretty extensive and the patch notes are pretty text heavy so before your read those here is a picture of a spaceship:

A spaceship
The following are PC specific patch notes that have been added since the most recent update
Stability Fixes
– Shutdown the HMD System on destruction. Prevents AMD crash on exit
– Fix station services being left open – to crash – when player deploys their buggy while in a station menu
– Prevent soft lock if NPCs are spawning in a region that hasn’t been constructed yet
– Fix for crash when opening the edit loaded screen in CQC after unlocking new modules from ranking up
– Fix for soft-lock in module data gatherer when loading into the game
– Fix a crash if transmitting a message when there’s no location object (e.g. on death)
– Fix a crash creating certain scenarios
– Fixed crash in fighter cockpit when kinematic is ready before its target
– Fix crash when trying to use FSDInterdictor on a target object that is not a ship
– Fix crash with ship components activating before the object is ready
– Crash fix for when a weapon with the Malfunction Hit special effect hits a module that can’t malfunction
– Prevent crash when applying livery items while deploying or boarding with the SRV
– Fix softlock happening sometimes when editing or deleting a bookmark
– Handle the case where we don’t have a reference module more gracefully, and output some more useful logs for debugging this
General Tweaks & Fixes
– Fix case where save could get in an inconsistent state and game would think the player was flying while the server thought they were docked, preventing cargo collection among other things
– Fix a cause of becoming stranded in an SRV above a planet’s surface
– Make sure that flight model handles forces correctly
– Add links to new tutorial videos
– Community Goal rewards now automatically redeem after 2 weeks
– Fix Imperial Cutter hull issue blocking cargo scooping
– Set server status and in-game main menu notifications during weekly server maintenance
– Missile and Torpedoes Icons are wrong way around fixed in outfitting
– Adding ship type string for damaged fed cap ship so it doesn’t assert on contacts panel
– User cannot return to gameplay after selecting the Spoiler option in Livery Outfitting with a ship paint job already applied fixed
– Updated nested bookmark icon to improve clarity
– Various text fixes
– Fix founder delivery to not go to smaller ports / outposts
– Fix for mission cargo being marked as illegal salvage when dropped from a target ship
– Temporarily remove SRV mining
– Reduced the chance of wrinkles from test levels
– Reduced chance of treasure tips from test levels
– Rather than the total number of micro resources (spanning all types), say what type and how many of that type we need space for
– Make planetary missions use rank to determine base strength
– Remove economy dupes in info panel and popup when secondary economy is the same as main economy
– Remove low level materials from the rewards lists so that players can’t be given them by missions
– Various text fixes
– Allow some Engineers to gain reputation by activities other than crafting
– Rebalance engineer reputation gain from crafting blueprints
– Updated rate of Engineer progression balancing numbers
– Prevent superpower reputation from affecting rep gained by Engineers crafting recipes
– Engineers invite mission does not take into account the size of your ship when it selects destination fixed
– Remove unused variables from engineer missions because they may have been blocking progress
– Increase default size of PopUp Engineer Dialogue s in order to accommodate larger strings
– Resource Grade icons have been updated to support grade 5 resources
– Updated buff icons to make them more readable
– Improvement for ice planets to increase the detail in the mid distance. Required Light power (albedo boost)/Mid amp increase and a larger mid fade distance
– Correct the proclaimed maximum terrain feature height on planets to fix issues with some physics patches not generating
– SRV turret mode give incorrect hull information
– SRV wheels don’t spin on networked player fixed
Companion App
– Allow access for people who own Horizons without also owning a Season 1 SKU
– Pick up dynamic changes to which station services are available at a given market
The following is a compiled list of all the previous beta patch notes for reference.
These are specific to both Xbox One and PC. However, i’m sure it goes without saying that any Horizons specific content will not be available until the Horizons launch on June 3rd for Xbox One Commanders.
– Loot
– Added new commodities for loot/crafting (including ones from ice rings)
– Mining resources can now create materials
– Materials can be spawned inside signal sources
– Materials can be dropped from destroyed ships
– Materials can be dropped from destroyed skimmers
– Encoded data materials added
– Data materials can be scanned from scan able wreckage
– Materials inventory is now split into physical and virtual items
– Added scan able wreckage scenarios and POIs
– Added inbox messages when retrieving encoded loot from various objects
– Crafting
– Allow weapon damage values to modify visual affects
– Experimental effects can be generated on module modifications
– Engineers have module modifications of different types and grades available
– Resources can be used to craft module modifications
– NPC ships can use modified modules
– Engineers
– Added new landing pad types for Engineer bases
– Added new hangars for Engineer bases
– Added bases for each engineer
– Engineer contact history added to stats panel
– Engineer locations can be viewed in the galaxy map (if unlocked)
– Engineers each have their own unlock flow
– New surface material system – improves surface material detail and performance
– New surface salvage items
– Added new surface POIs
– Added NPC patrols near planetary ports and outposts
– NPC encounters can occur near planet surfaces
– NPCs can engage in combat near planet surfaces
– NPC ships can defend settlements and bases
– Missions
– New mission board added
– Mission board contacts added
– Contacts have their appearance deterministically generated to reflect various key factors
– Mission givers have a welcome message that reflects the state of the minor faction, their tone and relationship with player
– Display minor faction recovering and pending states
– Missions are now rated by rank, not gated by them
– Reason for mission generation now added as needed
– USSs for missions now positioned in specific locations as appropriate
– Difficulty of missions is factored into reputation requirements (as well as rank)
– Added additional scenarios for missions
– Mission UI now supports showing specific mission ranks (combat/trade/exploration)
– Reward balance pass for missions
– Commodities can be awarded from missions
– Loot items can be awarded from missions
– Special treasure locations can be awarded by completing missions
– Reveal the location of a mission USS when the body is discovery-scanned (or you scan the Nav beacon)
– Mission contacts remember if they have encountered you before
– Updated scenarios for missions
– Added new planetary mission types
– Added new scan mission types
– Outfitting UI redux
– Updated hangar cameras to fit new outfitting UI
– Some locations can have unique vouchers from scanning for larger rewards that can’t be ‘succumbed’
– Added huge beam laser
– Added huge pulse laser
– Added huge multi-cannon
– Added large multi-cannon
– Added enhanced performance size 2 and 3 drive modules
– Added VFX scaling for weapon size and damage
– Added huge gimbal mount
– Bookmarks: adding bookmark feature to galaxy map and system map. Player is now able to save specific locations (systems, star, planet, stations, surface settlement)
– Added collapsing sections to options screen
– Community goal markers added to galaxy map
– Minor faction state filters added to galaxy map
– Mining scenarios can now spawn in icy rings
– New mining commodities added
– Add traffic density system for generating USSs
– Shipping lanes are created between the primary star, stations, and planets with settlements. Shipping lanes that are too similar to others, or too short, are removed
– Traffic density is calculated based on shipping lane, station and settled planet proximity. This traffic density value alters the probability of USSs
– If you scan a body that has a mission POI on it, the POI will be revealed. The scan can come from the discovery scanner, or from scanning a Nav beacon
– Changed data scans to be unique per location, so they cannot be continuously rescanned
– Unlinked minor faction reputation from their parent major faction reputation, now you will be neutral with an Empire minor faction even if you are allied with the Empire major faction
– Added the ability to scan a Nav beacon to get the system exploration data for that system
– Added a ‘cordial’ minor faction reputation level
– Allow cargo to be transferred to a newly bought ship, if it has adequate cargo space
– Add Chopper’s Orbital to Phiince system
– Updated translations
– Added named planets from Charity stream
– Added new player group minor faction descriptions
– Player inbox will hold a message until it has been deleted, or 30 days old
– Added Bluford Orbital to LHS 3447
– Cannon Research space science outpost added to COL 285 SECTOR IX-T D3-
– Overhaul & clean-up of how module penetration behaves, to allow multiple hits and various styles of AOE damage. All missiles now use external damage spheres
– Clock added to cockpit’s info panel
– Added missing backer station
– Added option to reduce camera shake
– Xbox One: Purchased outfitting content added
– Xbox One: Private group support added
– Xbox One: Added GPP Decal for those players who purchased during the Game Preview Program.
– Xbox One: Customisable Controls
– Xbox One: Classified Camera added in Super Cruise
– Defensive code for preventing crash when starting binding pre-set is invalid
– Fix crash in monotonic timer
– Fix zero health error with Nav beacon
– Don’t throw an error when loading straight to insurance screen
– Fix an error that happens when loading into a session with someone with a shield bank on cool down
– Fix error when spawning POIs
– Fix a rare crash bug with terrain height map handling (will also benefit load times)
– Don’t crash if the cancel button is pressed multiple times in the bindings screen
– Prevent drone control module from possibly being able to shut down while holding game object handles to drones
– Don’t crash if there is an overflow for ship lighting rigs
– Fix for error with zero length vector on dust particle lighting#
– Prevent soft locks on start-up for terrain disabled systems
– Fix memory leak in Drone Component if a drone is never activated before being destroyed
– Fix some terraform able meta data mismatches
– Fix crash cancelling control binding
– Fix crash with prospector drone
– Fix Goliath crime component crash
– Added guards to help prevent a Capital Ship related crash
– Ensure that the variable for boost cost is initialised to something valid, in case planet gravity is not active
– Fix crash in drone control module
– Fix computational shape error
– Fix for crash when approaching some settlements
– Fix for AI fighter manager crash
– Fix a crash in system generation for “Sidgoe LX-S c17-0”
– Don’t try to generate systems for child stars, it can crash due the child star not having its own set of meta data
– Fix some of the errors about physics objects out of range when dropping out of supercruise
– Stop the conflict target generator from crashing in the event that a scenario is featuring a conflict with a minor faction we don’t know about
– Fix an error on destruction of a ship in CQC
– Make sure that any location objects are destroyed before removing the player
– Fix a crash when the Goliath skimmer shields reform
– Hammering the back button in the CQC menus should no longer throw an error
– Fix an issue where a Protoplanetary Disk was initiated twice
– Fix Radeon 7000s crash with terrain shadow generation
– Fix a server crash for an odd edge case of where a player is ready in a proving ground that doesn’t know about them
– Fix for crash when opening the edit loaded screen in CQC after unlocking new modules from ranking up
– Fix for soft-lock in module data gatherer when loading into the game.
– Fixed assert when recording a docked event for a ship that doesn’t have a cockpit yet
– Avoid possible assert failures when selecting your own private group
– Crash when attempting to enter Supercruise after scanning a Nav beacon
– Fix for crash found in wear and tear component
– Fixed frequent server crash
– Fix a crash when a proxy POI is killed before it gets to variables initialised
– Fix bad fog shape type
– Fix a crash if the Steam overlay is bound to a key that is named differently than in game
– Speculative fixes to a crash caused by cargo canisters in POIs not having an item set
– Speculative fix for non-Horizon’s players being match made into inappropriate islands
– Crash fix in for when a weapon with the MalfunctionHit special effect hits a module that can’t malfunction
– When a RingCell received a FOR shift, only transfer asteroids between physics worlds if they have already been added to a physics world
– When a POI is deactivated, make sure it kills all the levels it created
– Extra checks added a possible fix for a crash that occurs later in scaleform due to a null texture
– Safe-guard against the render system returning a null texture, if one couldn’t be allocated
– Fix audio crash for when in SRV when in SRV and not loading the network component
– Protect against working on a string that doesn’t exist or is empty
– Safe-guard against the render system returning a null texture, if one couldn’t be allocated
– Added a failure state that will abort a portrait request after a large period of time waiting for a texture to be provided, so the system won’t be stalled indefinitely
– Crash fix for when a projectile weapon turret on automatic hit an object that doesn’t know what hit it
– Crash fix when firing a projectile from a weapon equipped to a thing without a targeting system
– Fixed a crash caused by trying to lock on to a target that is dying
– Fixed server error when issuing mission rewards to player’s without sufficient storage space
– Fix crash when the location is shutting down and a drone exists without any asteroids
– Crash fix when trying to check ammo prices for restocking a vehicle but the bay is not in an expected state
– Increased rarity values for ice mining commodities so that ice mining
– Fix a server crash generating an unknown body
– Prevent a crash when (somehow) trying to preview a recipe on an incompatible module
– Fix crash if control input is spammed while applying an upgrade
– Fix the cargo spawning so that it replicates the data needed to spawn its cargo, if it gets authority transferred before spawning cargo
– Fix a crash from an ill-timed shutdown of UI during the supercruise transition
– Fix memory leak in ambient AI spawning
– Outfitting: fix for crash when viewing vehicle bay inventory
– Fix a crash from a missing texture while in VR
– Fix a crash in the animation system
– Fix softlock when disconnected from the server
– Fix softlock if trying to render a null texture page
– Fix a crash that can happen when exiting the game if a POI activates the same frame that the POISpawner is killed
– Fix error approaching a surface port
– Guard against a crash when skimmers are killed while a proxy is at a very specific stage of constructing them
– Fix a server crash with a Curl error
– Crashed ships didn’t have a schematic set up for when locking onto them to scan them, causing an assert – default schematic set
– Fix crash closing workshop UI after crafting a recipe
– Fix crash when initialising scaling parameters for a weapon that is in an invalid state
– Fix crash where kinematic data was invalid for mining resources
– Fix error when avatar data was expected, but not present
– Fix audio error when going from planet into CQC
– Don’t crash after building a bad string key due to a weird rank value
– In order to investigate softlock in hyperspace jump / supercruise transition, force a crash dump if it has not completed after 110 seconds
– Let the chat UI component look at destination locations if there is no current location. If there is still no location the mission branch message should do nothing rather than attempt to dereference it and crash
– Return plot route limits to 1000 light years to prevent crashing
– Force kill the game if there’s a double shader loaded on a non-doubles system – so we get better telemetry if the issue occurs in the wild
– Fix crash applying an upgrade in the Engineers’ UI
– Fix occasional shut down crash
– Fix for a hang when power distributors malfunction and in a bad state. Also clamp a few related values that could go out of range briefly
– Fix crash in Anomaly Detected scenario
– Outfitting: Catch for a crash with a missing inventory item
– Fixed several region permits not working, allowing players to enter restricted regions of space. This could result in some players finding themselves trapped in restricted space, unable to jump out, which will have to be handed on a case-by-case basis
– Relocate Commanders affected by galactic region permits
– Missing collision audio when hitting SRV and Skimmer wreckage with an SRV
– Corvette shield not being in the correct place
– Some planet side POI’s spawning under ground
– General improvements to NPC visuals and their backgrounds
– Engineer invite missions not appearing
– Planet dust VFX now matches terrain colour
– Unable to use mouse input on OSX
– Fix a case of moon-ring intersection, this time it was due to a binary moon
– Fixed missing audio on Packhound missiles
– Added support for non-Latin characters in Air Traffic Controller call sign generation
– Fixed planet port voice announcements not waiting for their current message to stop playing before counting down the next message
– Fixed missing description for Maia system
– Add game client support for ‘tradelist’ Community Goals
– Fix for missing audio when scrolling in shipyards
– Updated Archon Delaine’s commodity production and consumption control system effect to use the same set of commodities as his price reduction control system effect
– No value up or down sounds for sliders in the graphics, controls and audio options fixed
– Spanish translations updated
– Fix issue with renaming a generated system changes the system composition
– More changes to address space bound players being match made with those on the surface
– Defaulted the main audio output device to XAudio2 as WASAPI seems to cause issues with audio driver exclusiveness (stops the game silencing other apps when it shouldn’t)
– Unhide control binding option for rotational correction
– Scanning sound gets stuck if you target something else mid-scan fixed
– Scanning Nav beacons will now also trigger the scanning sound
– Fix silent shield break/reform sfx and ship voice lines “Target shields Online/Offline” on none NPC ships
– Powerplay background icon smaller than expected fixed
– Fixed issue where UI focus could get lost when Navigating the power contact screen without a mouse
– Comms chat history no longer disappears
– Bound UI Back to right mouse button by default
– Adding retreat and investment in galaxy map state filters (and removing anarchy as it it is unused)
– Fixed slight discrepancy between mouse/gamepad input when using the steppers on the munitions screen
– Switch Contacts and Universal Cartographies so that webserver can enable/disable them on a per-station basis
– Galaxy Map: Fixing xml defining jump range in navigation panel
– Galaxy map remembers previous route calculation setting (low fuel / fastest) properly again. Boost mode is not written in the backup value though, so it will reset to economical
– Fixed Silent resources collected GUI
– Fix for Nav beacon Morse transmissions being audible in galaxy map
– Added Alliance listening post (Cooper Research Centre) to HIP 19072
– Made it so that you can’t interdict someone who is in orbital cruise
– Fix a performance issue when wing members are at extreme distances from each other
– Fix incorrect button label when selling exploration data
– Fix for being able to fly though a structure in CQC
– Rebalance of hyperspace lights to prevent strobing
– Adjust UI scale in VR with a maximum and default of 0.7 for Vive and 1.0 for Oculus
– Mouse cursor no longer disappears when using keyboard/gamepad input
– Fixed focusing issues related to the PopUp and various panels
– Added controller pre-set for Thrustmaster HOTAS 4
– The glow was too strong on the new control/graphics option screen, making text hard to read. Now matched to previous implementation
– Audio: Increase supercruise music fade out time to 4 seconds
– Correctly shutdown the list of FSD countdown voice events during ship swap by clearing the array, so we don’t attempt to send a bunch of destroyed events resulting in the FSD countdown missing at times
– Added support to overwrite the audio engine’s internal settings for samples per frame and refill buffers. That way players can increase frame rate / reduce the latency to match VR frame rates
– Fixed wonky scrolling behaviour when using gamepad/keyboard on the graphics and control options screens
– Gamma slider setting missing in graphics options fixed
– Everybody docked at Jaques Station has retreated to a safer distance
– Found a better home for some populations and factions from star systems that didn’t have anywhere for them to live
– Ensure portraits are around for any GUI that may live between locations (like the Cockpit GUI)
– Add a workaround for avatar portraits being affected by the GUI colour when it has been changed by the player – it won’t work for all values, but should catch most of them
– Renamed some duplicate star systems
– Latest batch of translations added
– Various text fixes
– Prevented CMDR name from offsetting when in Russian
– Scaled the cargo-canister rack schematic to the correct size
– Adjusted the footer positions in the cockpit panels, they were off by a few pixels
– Added simple OS message box report for when a save operation fails
– Synthesis quality options do not cycle around fixed
– Added an unpowered state for weapons in Cockpit UI
– Adjusted text field widths ever so slightly in cargo menu
– Misleading wanted status and bounty message on vacant player ships
– Nominate screen sticks on screen if exited by pressing B
– Selling cartographics data does not allow you to select close on the menu when you have a first discovery bonus fixed
– Fix some wrongly sorted UI render layers
– System addresses hovered by pad/keyboard & mouse are now linked so that mouse movement won’t hide the info popup after having used pad/keyboard to select a system
– Discrepancy between material name shown on contact list and when targeting/recovering the mineral fixed
– System map : making sure the system map address is reset when pressing back button to avoid displaying the map for another system when using the shortcut or the cockpit button
– In the insurance screen, only show the free ship option as an alternative to re-joining current ship when the player has fines to pay in their current ship’s jurisdiction
– Ammo store shouldn’t show drones as purchasable if there is no stock
– Fix for missing currency formatting on data link voucher rewards
– Fix calculating the distance to a sensor contact
– When we’re at max rank, the stats should consider rank progress to be 0%
– Use “Total ship cost” not “Total cost” in the insurance screen to make it less misleading; the actual total cost would include paying off fines
– New layout for options screen
– Tone down the intensity of the white target GUI elements so that they do not over-bloom
– Add distances to wakes targeted by the player
– Fixed ‘Back’ input not working on the cockpit chat panel
– Fixed the ship schematic in the functions tab from ‘drifting’
– “Launch” training messages saying “Not Bound” instead of the bound key
– Increased the minimum size for moons on the scanner in order to not collapse tiny moons into just one pixel
– Display the data micro resource inventory in the inventory panel
– Change the default number of items per page in Exploration selling from 20 to 50 following from server-side optimisations that make this plausible
– Systems that require a permit no longer highlighted in red on the Navigation panel
– Synced the wait time displayed on the quit game dialog with the underlying danger timer
– Fix some Commander stats not updating correctly for certain mission types or when destroying skimmers
– Fix displaying First Discovery names too many times when Commanders in a Wing claimed first discovery
– Fixed assault bounties not being applied when “Report Crimes Against Me” is off and turned on mid fight
– Issue was that pirate hunter hostile could spawn in a polity different from where the player drops out; if that polity is lawless no bounty would be given to the pirate – now fixed
Galaxy Map:
– Galaxy map now remembers the previous Cargo Mass slider setting, unless enough real cargo is added to the ship to exceed the slider setting
– Fix system map not remembering which tab you were on
– Planetary map: fixing coordinates used for surface settlements positioning and player ship position
– Galaxy Map: It is not that obvious what is selected when using the controller on the galaxy map fixed
– Galaxy Map: Pledge icon now lines up following the power’s name fixed
– System Map: System map “Locale” scroll moves very slowly with mouse wheel fixed
– Fix performance spike in galaxy and system map pop ups
– Potential fix for the ring appearing sometimes in the system map
– Fixed the visibility routine for bodies in system map doesn’t allow unexplored bodies to be show when going back from planetary map
– Safety fixes for input bindings: ConfigOptions returns the default option if its asked for the current options when it has an invalid index
– System map is now properly initialised when a route is a plotted in the targeted system
– Don’t re-plot the current route just because the Galaxy Map is opened. Fixes the route being forgotten sometimes if viewing the galaxy map during FSD charge, and helps to avoid forgetting the in-system target at the end of the route
– The default light for black hole systems in the system map was not giving the desired result – A cold, dim blueish light is now substituted as the default
– Improved system map load time
– Fix the issue with the latitude being calculated negative. i.e. the North Pole was at latitude -90 when it should have been at +90
– Galaxy map: showing controlling faction state in the galaxy map popup, making sure “none” is displayed when primary minor faction is no particular state
– When searching for a system name, trim whitespace off the end of the search as some people use methods which automatically place whitespace on the end which is preventing the search from working
– Added clear route button for any waypoint of an active route
– Fixed route plotting issues when a system is actually unreachable : the route plot will fail, but the button will become available again, displaying a sub title : “route plotting failed”
– Galaxy Map population sliders don’t update their position dynamically when using a control pad
– Fixed galaxy map camera initialisation and use default system position to avoid the camera to focus on last searched system
– Fixed scrollable areas on the galaxy map from jumping around seemingly at random when rolling over interactive elements with the mouse
– Reset bookmark route icon when clearing a Nav route
– Galaxy map, Nav panel: web route lines can be switched off again
– System map navigation: fixing route destination icon behaviour when plotting a route to a surface settlement
– System map: fix the target arrow behaviour (displaying it only when an object is an actual target, or when reaching the route destination system)
– Fixed planetary view audio issues
– Fixed system map ambience/music base layer missing issues
– Fixed galaxy map being not centred on last system checked with system map
– Fixed bookmark dropdown menu by removing target action button upon reopening system map of current system
– Facilities of stations missing in System Map fixed
– Fixing galaxy map cargo slider range to make it match previous behaviour (increment by 1T of cargo possible again)
– Added markers for bookmarks (these will only apply to newly created bookmarks)
– Bookmarks are now alphabetically sorted
– Added icons to show nested bookmarks (when the bookmark is for an object lower in the location hierarchy) in the galaxy map and system map
– Fixed a refresh issue on the surface popup info
– Changed the render order for icons and planetary icons to improve visibility
– Players are no longer awarded bounty vouchers for destroying their own ship while in a vehicle
– Remove a now obsolete angular velocity clamp that only applies in FAOff
– The classified camera no longer resets the player’s throttle
– Shield cell banks now fire one at a time when triggered using the shield cell bank hotkey (similar to heatsinks)
– The Automated Field Maintenance Unit can no longer be repaired unless there are more than one active repair units
– Fixed error from firing heatsinks in super cruise
– Scanner zoom level is now preserved when entering and leaving FSD
– Silent running is now disabled when the docking computer is activated
– Player’s ship shields should recharge while player is in SRV
– Disabled the Speeding UI warning while docked
– Fixed the photo camera not turning when cockpit headlook is toggled on
– Fix for the landing silhouette on the terrain schematics flipping to an X axis rotation when there’s no altitude raycast result available
– Made the compass on the GUI align correctly with the Nav marker at Nav Beacons and other locations
– Player ship no longer inappropriately accelerates automatically to max speed under certain conditions
– Hardpoints can no longer be deployed while in supercruise. This doesn’t affect the usage of scanners and interdictors etc
– The photo camera is now disabled if the player’s ship is being interdicted
– Photo camera popup can now be closed using the key bound to UI Select
– Proximity alarm is no longer triggered by projectiles launched by their owning ship
– Ships can land on top of each other when recalled in close proximity on a planet fixed
– Fix problem with evaluating landing area where ships would time out trying to land because their landing gear took more than 10 seconds to deploy
– Holding the vertical thrust input while launching from a landing pad will now work properly (you no longer have to release the input and re-apply it)
– Fixed incorrect super cruise flight model parameters for Federal Gunship
– Zero thrust on start of evaluating landing area as a previous fly to target might result in a spinning ship during this stage of approach
– Make sure that ships called in to land can take off if they landed
– Fixed thruster VFX playing while ships are landed
– It is no longer possible for a docked ship to commit a ramming crime
– Rebalanced heat efficiency of the Fer de Lance to offset the increased power plant change
– Landing gear doors are now initialised open if you load in to the game docked
– Cutter occasionally bounces off the surface when recalled fixed
– Update the logic for collision damage between ships and canisters so that larger ships don’t insta-kill canisters on contact
– Review damage forwarded to the cockpit from hull – previously going in infrequent large lumps (and too fast overall) now occurs is more frequent but much much smaller amounts
– Ships can no longer enter super cruise if their thrusters are disabled
– Remove a stray transform set meaning if you hit a planet at much more than 0.1C you had a tendency to drop out in it
– Tweak the limits on headlook angles to make what you can see appear more natural (you can no longer see where your neck ought to be, for instance)
– Ensure cargo is transferred when re-buying a ship from an orphaned SRV
– Be a little bit more forgiving for surface landings that don’t meet a decent standard
– Fix minimum refuel calculation when using multiple fuel tanks
– Adjusted Imperial Cutter UI elements
– Fixed missing texture in Federal Gunship cockpit
– Micro resources will now trigger the cargo scoop acquired audio
– Make sure that only valid paintjobs can be applied to a ship
– Fix missing LOD geometry on Sidewinder
– Type 9 Squadron LOD paint job issue fixed
– Decals displaying wrong colour scheme when on a Tactical Paint Job fixed
– Decal fixing on Anaconda pirate paintjobs
– Decal colours rectified on Squadron paintjobs
– Decal colours balanced on Asp & Asp Scout Stripe paintjobs
– Decal pass to balance colours for 3 colour setup on various paintjob schemes
– Added new low poly external Imperial chair model and diffuse texture
– Swapped internal and external chair models from DeLacy to Imperial versions on all relevant ships
– Fixed chair blue emissive hue to match cockpits
– Loud element in sidewinder landing gear fixed
– Fixed odd sound effect when placing a bobblehead character, not letters, numbers, or symbols
– Make sure we clear any “Under Attack” notifications sent to the ship voice system, so they don’t trigger after combat has ended
– Friendly fire from wing mates no longer triggers “Under Attack” voice line
– Make sure shield break sounds always trigger the aggressive version when requested to be on, and the lighter version when turned off manually
– Module malfunction buffs now both trigger the “Malfunction Attack” ship voice event so it’s not confused with the “Module Malfunction” ship voice event
– Engine reboot buff now only triggers either “Thrusters Offline” or “Warning, Engine Reboot” voice events, not both
– Make sure that if a traffic controller is speaking when the player begins their frameshift that we halt anymore notifications and clear the queue, to stop the ship voice from talking over itself
– Display three colour decals correctly (not as two colours)
– Paintjobs assigned correct colours for Crimson Eagle
– Various art fixes for Imperial Eagle
– Fixed minor LOD issue on the Anaconda
– Fixed landing gear audio issues
– Fix for voice lines overlapping
– Fix for bobblehead sound issues
– Fix for ships sometimes being silent
– Rebalanced cockpit lighting after materials were recently upgraded
– Huge optimisations of cockpit lighting in some ships. Lots of fps claimed back without impacting visuals whatsoever
– Warning lighting improved
– Fixed the freefall shepherd tone sound
– Fixed broken paintjobs on the Imperial Cutter
– Art fixes for Federal Gunship
– Asp Green Apollo paintjob fixed
– Fixed rotated headlight bones and incorrect chair on the clipper
– Fix broken asp and asp scout warning lights
– Main lights on Viper not orientated correctly – Fixed
– Federal Assault Ship shadow is projected incorrectly
– Added in re-trigger flags so the ship lights audio event can be re-triggered
– Fixes for boarding clipper in SRV
– Fixes for FDL hitcheck and shield issues
– Fix bad bay numbers in “parking permission granted” messages
– Attacking something that you own is legal and won’t make it hate you
– Added Shield Cell Banks onto the targetable modules list. Should now appear on the subtargets list if a ship has them installed and be targetable
– Authority issue between two players at POI’s fixed
– Stop NPC ships from dropping out immediately upon spawning in supercruise
– Fix some NPC docking queue issues
– Stop docked player ships that are near the docking shared path from blocking AI docking/launching
– Scanning NPCs shouldn’t boost if they don’t have time to slow down
– Fixed parked AI ships deploying their hardpoints while docked
– Police will destroy any loose illegal cargo after an interdiction, to stop the player from ejecting it and then re-collecting after interdiction
– Fix a few issues to do with chasers respawning when they shouldn’t
– When respawning persistent AI hunters, check to see if we’re in an unpopulated system beyond a set distance (500LY) from the nearest capital, and if we are, only spawn the chasers 50% of the time; this will get rerun each time we change between normal space and supercruise so the odds of the hunters persisting will diminish
– Updating certain player events so they don’t appear in Anarchy systems, anything with authority, military or search & rescue ships in
– Fix NPC ships failing to launch from settlements
– Smooth out AI difficulty curve
– Improve AI for higher ranked NPCs
– Improve reliability for docking computer with the Cutter
– Don’t allow vacant ships to commit crimes
– Make lower level NPCs a bit easier to chase
– Try to prevent NPCs stopping in space for no reason
– Improve docking computer behaviour near planet surfaces
– Optimise obstruction avoidance
– NPC spawned with no shields and broken AI fixed
– Slow down to engage Docking Computer message remains after cancelling docking request fixed
– NPC AI continues to fire hatch breaker even when player has no cargo and hatch is powered down fixed
– Improved use of missiles and torpedoes by NPCs
– Stop NPCs rolling on the spot
– Improve AI targeting of cargo canisters
– Docking computer forces you to collide with station on entry fixed
– Don’t try and spawn ships with “Military Planet Dock”, military ships don’t dock. Also turn on powerplay ships at stations
– Powerplay ships can now be encountered in normal space
– Make sure that the police patrolling the station will be of the same faction as the station
– Fix ship vs environment collisions so that AI-controlled ships take damage again
– AI shouldn’t be trying to manually fire weapons that are on auto fire – it causes them to fire in really odd directions
– Fix issues with inconsistent spawning. In particular, the issue with not all the cargo drops always spawning
– Only spawn pirates, power pirates and power assassins at anarchy stations
– Use local polity, not star polity, when determining ship composition at ports
– Added in more power specific chatter for Power Pirates. These guys are essentially privateers, paid to rob people, so placed the emphasis more on it being a job
– Increased variety for NPC paths approaching surface ports and outposts
– Dropping the min cargo and bounty values for a hunter to appear in
– Bumped up the percentage chance of the chasers appearing based on security
– Added the Viper MkIV to the police archetype
– Increase variety for ship departure behaviour on surface ports
– Remove scan behaviours from pirates and bounty hunters when around ports/outposts/settlements, i.e. when docking, doing a lift off, or travelling across the surface before jumping
– Killing an NPCs powerplant does not cause them to fall to the surface
– Minimum threat value for ambient supercruise police ships based on system security level
– Fix trespass zone orientation causing incorrect rendering on the scanner
– Fix duplicate spawning of chasing ships after interdiction
– Make state based trader NPCs have the same faction on multiple visits
– Slightly altered the Police Viper score values so that Viper’s appear when an investigation is called, rather than an eagle
– Stop AI (often police) from scanning ships (particularly players) when docked at a station/outpost
– Fixes to AI scanning players with silent running enabled
– change hive mind reinforcement timer to be banded based on security level
– “In trouble” flee behaviour update – make decisions based on target
– AI should use Fragmentation Cannons at effective range, rather than at maximum range
– NPC’s Drives do not malfunction when damaged
– Improved how NPC wing members operate with each other
– Check if a player has permission to access Horizons content before adding settlements to the list of targetable locations
– NPCs now have an automatic loadout system based on the archetype, ranks, ships and other factors
– Ships at range struggle with weapon minimum distances, don’t fire enough/at all fixed
– If we’ve blocked NPCs from spawning due to multiple hunter hostile restrictions, check regularly to see if these restrictions no longer apply and then spawn
– Fix for Pirates being stuck in IdleFlight/PirateThreaten at RESs
– Added missing transitions between Pirate Hunter Hostile Mission Cargo Attack and Idle
– Adjusted the shield-down flee behaviour to be less frustrating
– Don’t put CG commodities in NPC cargo holds
– Stop hitmen being sent after the player for no reason
– Ignore drones when pirates work out the value of cargo a player has; if players only have drones, pirates will let them go on their way
– Rebalance the tutorials to be reasonable with the new AI
– Fixed issues with recalled ships boosting when trying to land
– Tweaked AI pip management
– Fixed AI orientation issue over planets (ships nose-diving into the ground)
– Fixed AI terrain avoidance over planets (was getting very confused over higher G worlds)
– Stop ship rising to 1km when activating DC over a landing pad
– Stopped AI ships from reversing when in front of target
– Fixed AI head-on attack velocity so it scales properly
– Adjusted AI passing distance when performing a fast fly-by to reduce the possibility of ramming
– Mission giver faction now has its type set properly
– Rank missions should no longer instantly fail for no apparent reason
– Elite Piracy and Founder Smuggling missions should no longer instantly fail for no apparent reason
– Added new ‘Wanted’ Smuggler Maint to prevent Hostage Rescue missions resulting in a criminal act
– Multi-cargo contract elements now have messages. and cargo types can be checked
– Balance ranks missions are generated for
– Salvage Legal missions should’ve been using mission specific cargo
– When a mission attempts to send an inbox message, if the player currently has that inbox message, we will not push a new message onto the inbox
– Reduce mission limit to 20
– Improve checks for player’s cargo for mission advance
– Fix for mission specific cargo not being dropped
– Add ‘Mission detected’ text to mission based USSs
– Change the Reputation Difficulty Scalar to be relative to player’s reputation with a given faction
– Fix an issue where the USS wasn’t actually being marked as belonging to a mission
– If a USS for a specific mission already exists, don’t spawn another
– Ensuring rescue mission cargo is not marked as stolen when liberated
– Reduced time before targets spawn in Piracy and Rescue mission. Targets will now appear between 10 and 30 minutes from mission generation
– Don’t send people to settlements which don’t have ports in missions
– Don’t send people to the same market they are requesting a mission from
– Authority mission wrinkles shouldn’t occur in anarchies
– Don’t add major faction rep to minor faction rep when working out player rep
– Mission targets in settlements now don’t have a range limit for displaying as contacts, also when targeted they will show as a mission target
– If there are no missions, give text which tells players what other things they could do to help
– Allow NPC ships to dump mission specific cargo
– Allow inbox messages to obfuscate the sender for black ops
– Add an introductory mission for new starters
– Refresh the inbox when completing a mission, so mission tipoffs are immediately visible
– If a mission requires you to go to a body, then display the mission marker for that body in the system map
– Mission board factions now ordered such that factions with mission hand-ins are at the top
– Fix missing timeout element on BLOPs missions
– When spawning a mission USS with a cargo override, only override the amount of cargo needed for the mission instead of all the cargo
– Added some more links in the deserter.chatter so that it will say a few more things when it is interdicted
– Make the planetary race wrinkles work in the same way as the space equivalents
– Fixed an issue where the timeout was set to a different timer compared to what the transaction panels were saying
– Fix some confusing naming on planetary disable missions
– Planetary Rescue Dynamic Scan missions should now be more explicit in its telling the player to go scan the Nav beacon after receiving the mission
– Fixed discovery scanner use not updating the assassination missions correctly
– Fixed where the penalties link to in the assassination legal templates – reputations should now decrease properly
– Make sure that timeouts function for the in space assassination mission variants
– Mission no longer uses Tiny Settlement for initial POI
– Planetary Scan missions now send an inbox message after scanning NavBeacon
– Fix altruisms to use demanded cargo, not supplied
– Fixed truncated text on community goals page
– Pirate Lord should use the auto bounty system, not a fixed value across all ranks
– Fix sending the incorrect inbox message after scanning a mission tipoff location
– Updated the Faction (Inf, Rep, State) Rewards and Penalties for completing/failing missions
– After getting the Nav Beacon wrinkle during an Assassination mission and meeting the contact, the contact gave me a Target Body of “Currently Unknown. Scan Required” fixed
– Some optimisations for mission generation
– There is now always at least 2 targets in a massacreskimmer mission
– Fix lack of failed mission icon
– Removed placeholder text from Altruism missions
– Modified text in ‘target killed’ inbox messages on assassinations so they refer to the target rather than the target’s faction
– Collect mission details do not update in Transaction Tab after getting New Destination Wrinkle fixed
– Make military rank progress a bit easier
– Changed the point reputation is removed when the mission is failed – there is now an instant progress that links to the rep change, and to the Failure panel state
– Fix double mission icon in massacre skimmer
– For piracy flag targets, if the target is not a mission target, check if it has a leader and whether that leader is a mission target
– Removed some spurious debug output that was causing a slight stall when opening the mission details popup
– Trimmed the mission complete animation – now much snappier
– Fix an issue where scan able shipwrecks would ignore the fact that they were in a settlement. This meant they didn’t link correctly to the tip off for their location
– Add a faction government test so the pesky democracies don’t make my greedy corporation shout “For Democracy!”
– Fix the method that determines whether we can see planetary missions
– Added in a massacre rank scalar – targets are now scaled by the rank and the rep, to match other massacre templates. You now get 12-24 targets to kill on elite
– Made it so that a ship spawned for a mission USS will have the correct amount of mission cargo and the cargo will not be marked as stolen if the mission says it should be abandoned
– Added some missing text
– We now test against (Mission Giver’s) Faction Government as opposed to the (controlling Faction’s) Market Government for text and associated variables
– Reward balance pass for missions
– Assassination religious leader (elite) does not have its name overridden in the USS fixed
– Balanced the rewards for elite/allied missions
– Bodyguard USS was setting a different variable for its location, compared to the variable that the inbox was reading. Changed the variables that are set so that it matches
– Massacre Skimmer Panel showing incorrect distance to settlement fixed
– Allow missions to use scaled descriptions on the bulletin board
– Changed the mission timeout to vary from between 1 and 2 days for altruism normal, collect, massacre and smuggle missions
– Changed the base scalar for the mission end time on salvage and planetary missions to be between half a day and a day (at elite, this will be significantly increased)
– fixed the timeout on planetary missions that was using a different timeout value on the transaction panels
– Removed the timeout value from the collect rewards panels on missions that have them. This affects assassination missions – alternate route. Massacre missions – both collect reward panels and planetary disable, hack and scan missions
– Restored reputation check on Hitmen missions
– Reputation scalars now used correctly for gating
– Delivery Scoop mission initial (mission offer) Inbox messages now contain contract elements
– Don’t attempt to give cargo on accept for a space mission
– Variable reordering so variables are created before being referenced
– Scoop Missions no longer require the player to scoop ALL of the required cargo before being offered the mission
– Fix rank up notification inbox messages that don’t contain an animation
– Changed the transaction panels on assassination illegal alt route for missed target states so they resemble the mission route they are currently on
– Added in the body address to the post Nav beacon panels for the kill and don’t die wrinkles so they now show the target body
– Stop repeated inbox messages for the same state change in a mission
– Add telemetry to server for reporting mission request timings
– Add the super power perks text to the mission handin screen
– Added in a player killed target control in the missed target states that it was missing from
– Updated mission tip off descriptions
– Fix incorrect event name on a comms array in large scientific 002 so that associated missions will progress properly
– Skimmers should now always be marked as mission target if appropriate
– Ensure that mission cargo is marked correctly for that mission
– If the cargo unit we are ejecting is for a mission and we’re an NPC, don’t abandon the mission
– Make alternate branches in massacre missions a choice
– Make sure that massacre conflict missions have a hand in target
– Don’t Die wrinkle now has a change of actually being triggered in Massacre Skimmer missions
– Added Missing String substitutions to planetary Hitman missions
– Massacre skimmer missions should give you negative reputation with the mission giver
– Alternate wrinkles for massacre missions will now correctly update the rep/state/influence of the factions when required
– Alternate wrinkles for massacre missions now correctly spawn the targets in the alternate system, and will send you to the correct places for the reward
– Added permit mission text
Space Scenarios:
– Distress call scenario fixes
– Prevent training level asteroids from jumping about when the game is unpaused
– Increased ship variation for terrorist leader
– Terrorist archetype now prioritises military targets
– Update spawning ambient AI in normal space, and add powerplay ships when at stations, nav beacons and RES locations
– Increased ship variety for political assassination targets
– Make more explicit use of security levels for generating police in supercruise
– Fix for dropping out at a USS not spawning the USS objects
– Added with bodyguard variants of trader and smuggler scenarios for missions
– Added more player events to scenarios
– Change how USSs are spawned so it is no longer simply time based, location is a factor
– Add a sine wave signal to POI turrets
– Add a clamp to prevent wars in systems with few planets creating no conflict zones
– Fixes to loadouts and behaviours in the rescue scenarios
– Fixed credit reward for routing a cap ship in war zones to 150000
– Show “shipping lane” instead of “deep space” when in supercruise in a shipping lane
Surface Scenarios/POIs/USSs
– Prevent collectibles on surface falling through the floor for non-authority clients
– Fixed an issue where materials would sometimes spawn inside a rock and be untargetable
– Settlement generator health cannot longer go into negative values
– Fix broken skimmer disable points on two settlements
– Unable to scan data points after other player completes settlement fixed
– Fix an issue causing POIs to spawn on steep parts of terrain when they shouldn’t be
– Reduce fall off point for deep space POIs so human debris doesn’t get found so far out
– Settlement sentry skimmers should avoid crashing into player ships
– Fix for canisters in POIs not replicating
– Don’t try to render POIs when the sensors are off
– Make all Skimmers and POI objects detectable by ground sensors only by default, we don’t want ships picking them off from the skies without having to work for it. Note that anything firing at the player will still show up and be target-able back – note that POIs can still be discovered from ships
– Collisions with skimmers are now also extremely disruptive to ships, hitting one will cause a temporarily loss of drives and shields – don’t do it
– Extend time ships can fly over settlements before they get fines and bounties
– Cargo in a POI now has the correct legality flag set and is also marked as mission cargo if needed
– Settlement point defence capability upgraded
– Lower range at which buggy can target things
– Tweak skimmer armour resistances for boss
– Refresh vouchers when claiming a scan, so we can immediately see the voucher that was generated
– Don’t allow skimmers to respond to accidental hits from their allied turrets
– Added a beacon light to certain data links so that players are attracted to them
– Skimmer disablers added
– Added point defence systems for settlements and bases
– If you leave a trespass zone while hostile, show a different message than leaving it while not hostile
– Rebalance on data point drops: quality and quantity
– Balance pass on low level scenarios that can be found as USS in shipping lanes. More Threat 1 opportunities for low ranking combat ships
– Fixing under staffed skimmer zone
– Added signal descriptors to ship wrecks
– Don’t spawn materials when it should be seeds
– Load the correct physics soundbanks on datalinks/points
– Added in a greater variety of commodities to the POIs so the players see something other than tea
– Fix where the POI search can get stuck between the terrain bounding boxes and unable to progress beyond the initial placement
– Remove factions from systems that cannot generate scenarios – ie: systems without any bodies in them.
– Added ship voice notification when a mission specific USS has spawned
– Fixed Mining fragments being too quiet
– Fixed missing textures on wrecked Diamondback and Eagle ships
– Difficulty for one of the USS distress call scenarios does not reflect the actual difficulty fixed
– Increased audio memory pool to allow two capital ships to have audio
– Added a fence to the mining laser probes
– Fix various fixed event scenarios, ships now move and have chatter
– Added in audio feedback for when a Nav beacon scan returns stellar data
– Set the number of microresources chosen for planets to the correct number
– Ensure planetary material distribution is the same as in 2.0
– Decals added to Large Wreckage
Docking Computer:
– Screen violently shakes when using the Standard Docking Computer to dock at a Planet Port fixed
– Auto Docking module occasionally crashes ships on planetary stations fixed
– Fixed issue with incorrect firing mode assigned to gimballed fragment cannons
– Increased the heat damage of small beam laser slightly
– Explosive damage more effective against shield generators
– Increased torpedo damage
– Increased mine ammo capacity and hardness piercing
– Increased damage from missiles
– Increased ammo capacity for dumbfire missiles
– Re-evaluate default missile guidance parameters so that they make more use of lookahead further out
– Reduce the splash damage for dumbfire missiles so they’re not overpowered against surface targets
– Fixed hardpoints deployed audio being spammed by ships that are in the process of landing/docking
– Point Defense Turrets should only damage their target or submunitions
– Fix Point Defense Turret parameters so they’re a bit more accurate
– Chaff no longer blocks advanced scans and so is less of a catch-all defence
– Rebalanced torpedoes to be much tougher but slower
– Tweaked point defence turrets to fix a fire rate issue and increased hardness piercing of dumb fire missiles
– Make sure that beam weapons don’t cause crimes when they’re not supposed to
– Stop submunitions being teleported for a frame in some circumstances
– Target-Only turret mode changes:
– It will now stop firing when blocked correctly, and can be activated while blocked and will not fire until the shot is clear
– Target Only now has the same rules as Fire At Will and cannot cause crimes under any circumstances when accidentally hitting things other than the intended target. Crimes for hitting the intended target apply as normal
– Correct an exploit where rapidly switching target several times during a bullets’ flight would allow damaging a target without aggro
– Replace legacy weapon variants with their defaults, along with some credits and materials to offset the inconvenience
– Increase heat generated per shot on rail guns
– Reduce heat sink ammo by one
– Overhaul of mines for a mix of balance and fixes:
– All mines now use Proximity versions rather than the slightly unreliable homing variants, and now have much bigger shiny explosions that better telegraph how dangerous they are
– Mines now have the same module-stripping blast damage as missiles
– Mines are now targetable by point defences, and have a little more health
– Increased ammo on medium mine launcher (doubled)
– Synthesis damage boost now adds a multiple of the base weapon damage rather than the damage after engineers have run their magic. To avoid some nasty multiplicative stacking issues we’ve seen
– Assorted buffs/fixes/rebalancing to missiles:
– Speed of Seeker missiles increased from 450 to 625.
– Speed of drunk (packhound) missiles increased from 400 to 600.
– Speed of Dumbfire missiles increase from 600 to 750.
– Blast radius of small seekers and dumbfires increased to be in line with mediums (50% boost).
– Hardness piercing of small seekers & dumbfires plus drunk missiles brought up to intended levels and consistent with medium (100% boost).
– Base damage and hull/module split of all missiles increased as intended, approximately a 40% increase to hull damage and 120% increase to module damage.
– Missiles now take an extra two point defence shots to bring down, but are still easily shot!
– Some impact effects rebalanced in light of new material change
– More optimisations (Cannon in particular)
– Slightly increased damage and fire rate of turreted weapons so that they’re more in line with the damage progression from fixed to gimballed
– Fixed the missing confusion stat from the new gimballed weapons we recently added
– Buffed cannons effectiveness without changing their DPS.
– Remove damage fall off completely. They’ll now do their full damage up to their maximum range
– Slightly increase projectile speed so they’re easier to use at range
– Increase armour piercing so they get to apply they’re full damage to even larger ships than before
– Slightly increase their chance to breach the armour and increase the module/hull damage split when they do
– Feedback tweaks to torpedos:
– Torpedos now have a 2.5 second arming time rather than their previous 0.5 second. When hitting a target before arming they will deal no damage and self destruct in a small puff
– Torpedos now inherit the speed of their launching ship for the first few seconds of flight, before dropping to a 250m/s cruising speed. These two changes give them an effective minimum range of about 700m+ depending on ship speeds, and also means that you won’t be running into the back of your own torpedos!
– Some mining laser effects are offset – now fixed
– Halve firing heat from missiles
– Ensure that projectile scaling is used for initial shots even if there is no custom VFX associated with the weapon they’re fired from
– Fix incorrect target tracking from causing torpedos aimed at sub-targets to deviate and lock on to inappropriate targets, in this case the signal of a planetary POI!
– Fixed incorrect mass values for new 2.1 weapons
– Removed gamepad controls from keyboard and mouse scheme
– Removed some telemetry that is sent when every someone changes a control binding
– Axis bindings were being implicitly cast to button bindings fixed
– Turned off Yaw into Roll by default on controller schemes
– Mouse cursor visible when using HOTAS
– Don’t force rotation correction on when we land on the planet surface – it only makes sense in a space station
– Fix being unable to use control keys to look at the cockpit panels whilst launching from dock
– Fixed throttle setting itself to zero when exiting from hyperspace or super cruise while the game doesn’t have focus
– Add info message on cargo scoop retraction
– Fix an issue where is you have multiple Xbox controllers, only one of the controllers will work
– Fixed several issues with how the SRV was handling mouse input
– Added controller preset for Thrustmaster HOTAS 4
Galactic Simulation:
– Fix an issue when you had exactly -35 rep, it couldn’t work out your relationship
– Added investment faction state
– Rebalance how player actions and missions count towards the star system’s influence caps for the day
– Rebalance how player actions and missions contribute towards faction state and influence buckets
– Additional factors now contribute towards outbreak and famine’s buckets
– Added a new “Retreat” state for factions with low influence levels not in their home system
– Significantly changed the “Expanded” state. The Faction’s search for another system is now triggered at the end of the expansion’s active phase. If the surrounding systems are full, then an expansion might trigger an invasion war if an appropriate defender can be found.
– Added new “Investment” state for factions that have failed to expand, which significantly increases development level for a short time and lets the Faction search a bit further away when they next expand
– The “Lockdown” state now locks down many station services for affected Factions, allowing Commanders to concentrate on helping those Factions’ crime control efforts
– Conflicts should now be easier to win, with rebalanced effects of combat actions during conflicts.
– War now only needs a 5% influence difference to win. Civil War and Elections remain at 3%
– When assigning the spoils of war, Ports & Stations that ships can dock at, are now considered more valuable than Planetary Settlements
– Send out Inbox messages when Commander reputation changes past each threshold
– Superpower reputation now affects the rate of change of affiliated Faction reputation
– Fix background sim consequences for crimes other than piracy or murder and to consider both the victim faction and the faction that controls the jurisdiction of any crime
– Local news articles have been improved for many states, including which system a Faction has just expanded into!
– Fixed localisation for Commodity and Ship descriptions in local news reports
– Rebalanced smuggling illegal commodities
– Each star system’s current security levels now significantly affects buy & sell prices for legal and illegal commodities
– Significantly increased the effects of faction state on commodity markets availability and prices
– Fixed not being able to defect away from dead powers
– Removed warning about assassins and power change cool down when defecting away from a dead power – there’s no penalty to defection here
– Fix Powerplay preparation costs varying during a cycle when Starsystem population varies
– Fix when choosing actions to oppose a Power. Independent powers should now always use the hostile variants against each other in all circumstances.
– Reactivate Powerplay actions in starsystems that have population but no planets
– Add system X, Y, Z co-ordinates to network log
– Performance & reliability improvements for exploration
– Added suspension travel prediction to SRV physics
– After any outfitting web request, update the module boost states from the ship state that the server returns
– Fix for incorrect SRV shadows
– SRV fuel bars do not update in your role panel fixed
– Disabling plot route / select buttons in galaxy map when player is in a SRV
– SRVs can no longer be deployed when their respective Vehicle Bays are disabled
– The select highest threat hotkey can now lock onto turrets and skimmers
– Fixed the cargo scoop hotkey not working in an SRV when close to the ship
– The SRV can no longer be deployed when the ship is in the middle of launching from a port
– The SRV is now refuelled when it docks at a port
– Fix for data link scanner not scanning when the option ‘Firing deploys hardpoints’ is disabled
– Prevent turret mode being accessible via roles panel when under the ship (or otherwise blocked)
– With drive assist on, moving off forwards at slow speed has long reaction time
– Fix for vehicle turret camera clipping when at max pitch angle
– Drive assist doesn’t engage gear to react to throttle if buggy is slowly sliding fixed
– Fix for the buggy rolling when it shouldn’t, automatic handbrake only disengages when a drive/reverse input is received
– Ship oxygen supply no longer depletes while the player is out of the ship (i.e. in a buggy)
– Fix detection of high-speed collisions when two buggies collide
– Fixed wheel motion blur rendering
– Fixed Forward Only throttle issues with dead zones on the buggy
– Fix incorrect physics collisions with wheels
– When broadcasting text chat to /local, send to all ships/vehicles in the current session, regardless of range, visibility, etc (SRVs were not previously receiving chat from ships)
– Tri-mesh vs. wheel stability improvements, wheels won’t clip through walls anymore, rolling looks better
– Now if your ship makes contact with your buggy while landing, it’ll fly away. If you drive under the feet of someone elses landing ship, it’ll crush you
– Added tyre tracks
– Fixed SRV turret mouse pitch axis being inverted by default
– Allow transfer of stolen cargo from buggy to ship
– Incorrect distance shown from targeted location after deploying SRV fixed
– Fixed buggy wheel thrusters not animating while in the photo camera
– The Turret mode does not scan targets. Meaning you have no information of health or shields – fixed
– Added support for dirtying the buggy wheels according to the planet’s dust colour
– Fixed the buggy trying to run away while the game is paused or doesn’t have focus
– Fixed SRVs getting stuck in the cargo bay when deploying from the perspective of other clients
– Role panel shows 0 buggys available when you restock SRV via the restock screen fixed
– Fixed the buggy going rogue while the photo camera is active during buggy deployment
– Fixed the throttle showing negative zero while stationary and improved buggy behaviour while the photo camera is active
– Fixed dumping cargo near a settlement in a buggy not giving the player a fine
– Fixed escape menu moving during the vehicle boarding animation
– Fixed Radar contacts being visible in the SRV while in turret mode
– Raise up the buggy’s garage start position by a couple of metres, to stop it getting embedded in the floor in some garages
– Tweak vehicle cargo hatch behaviour to enable “Cargo Acquired” message in the SRV
– Buggy Turret UI is inconsistent when targeting things fixed
– Small modification to the SRV headlights so that they don’t bleach out the ground so much on some planets
– Add door change messages to the SRV to match what the ship has. Especially useful when opening/closing the cargo scoop while in turret mode
– Let player park buggy in any garage, not just the one for the ship’s landing pad. Use compass to lead them to the nearest one
– Fix unsold exploration data and vouchers not always being removed when dying in an SRV and the parent ship has been destroyed
– Prevent repeating handbrake line when stationary
– Fixed very loud Wavescanner inactive weapons sound when close
– Improved board ship icon sound, also mute sound when leaving ship
– SRV lights are not silent when switch-spammed fixed
– Fixed some issues with the turret HUD
– Fixed surface noise volume issues in SRV turret cam mode
– Player can see through their ship while headlooking up during SRV deployment fixed
– Fix for the strange looking muzzle flash on SRV turret
– Make sure that SRV stats update before they are picked
– Stop ship rising to 1km when activating DC over a landing pad
– Make sure we update our heat prop from the SRV as well as the ship, so we don’t get repeating heat warnings if we deploy our SRV whilst the ship’s temperature is above 100%
– Remove the “No Effect”, “Superseded” and “Boost Active” synthesis states, so a synthesis is always available as long as you have the materials for it and you are in the appropriate vessel
– When scanning a micro resource outcrop, up the maximum amount of different types the scan message can display from 4 to 6
– Fix large calibre munitions synthesis not being applicable to cannons
– When applying synthesis boost to the buggy’s armour, decrease the damage multiplier rather than increasing it
– Smooth some issues with supercruise transition
– Made the drop out into glide mode smoother, so there is no teleport backwards
– Speed/distance restrictions for dropping from supercruise now scale with how strong the local gravity influence is – the further from bodies the easier it is to drop out. Statios and most scenarios won’t be majorly affected, but things like USSes that appear in deep space, and some Nav beacons are much easier to drop at
– Fixed the safe for drop message not appearing when entering supercrusie in a safe to drop state
– Prevent dropping at wing beacons inside asteroids
– Feedback is now given to the player if they send a wing invite to a player already in a wing
– Always show wing commander names above their ships, regardless of them being targeted or not
– Fix when issuing trade dividend vouchers to wing members
– Fix for for a wing member showing as destroyed briefly when they transition to/from supercruise
– Prospector limpet drone replacement order gets stuck fixed
– Fixed refinery bin list jumping up and down when collecting fragments that are automatically removed from the hopper
– Stop jumping when non-auth drones receive a position update via the network
– Non targeted collection drones should try to return to their ship and find another target
– Drone controller modules are no longer visible on the HUD arcs unless assigned to an active firegroup
– Limpets can now deliver cargo to a hatch which is trying to be any of the 4 open states, rather than having to wait on the door to cycle back to the open scooping state
– Fixed bug where roaming collector drones would re-build after authority transfer as single target drones
– Don’t allow further drone launches while another drone controller on the same ship is busy launching a drone
– Prospectors now display asteroid material content as high, medium or low
– Shooting a station module will now result in the station registering the hit and becoming hostile
– Improved LODs on the holo adverts outside of stations
– Fix LOD pop on station storage pods caused by greebles being used for large areas of geometry
– Fix LOD pop on station fusion reactor caused by greebles being used for large areas of geometry
– Fixed and smoothed landing pad animations
– Improved textures in hanger to receive lighting correctly
– Fix station name in chat panel
– Fix for matchmaking when starting docked at a surface settlement: players were always starting in a ‘fresh’ island
– Improved the issue of the station inner dock popping into view
– Add fog to station interior
– Fix the occasional loading into the wrong docking bay
– Added a check if the ship is clear of any landing bays, before classing the ship as “left the station”
– Stations will no longer let you dock if the controlling faction dislikes you
– Don’t start the CQC backfill matchmaking check timer if we’re not in a CQC game yet
– If someone joins a CQC match when the current game has less than 1 minute left, then have them wait on the lobby screen for the next match instead of joining a game about to end
– Added scaling to the schematic models in the empire fighter cockpit
– Fix a possible timing issue where the replication of CQC objects could come out of order, this would cause the splash at the end of a game to show an incorrect result, but the score summary screen which appears later would be correct
– Make sure we don’t mark a CQC game as about to end when it’s in the loading state
– Make sure we keep hold of the spawn point claim in CQC until either we move off the spawn point or we get destroyed, so we don’t allow a spawn in the same location
– Fixed issue of not being able to focus on party elements in UI
– Fix an issue with accepting an invite from a player that has since disconnected from you
– Cancel pending lobby invites when we enter matchmaking – players can’t join lobbies that are in the middle of matchmaking, so the invite should be invalidated at this point
– Adjusted how teams are set up in CQC games so make them more balanced
– Save the CQC loadouts when you leave the ship select and loadout edit screens, instead of just when we quit the game
– Fix for CQC disconnect bug caused by incorrectly aligned timeouts
– Moved the animating doors on the asteroids map so there isn’t a gap that the player can fly through
– Added an extra check to the Matchmaking Lobby to try and catch an odd case of someone not quitting the game after the match has ended
– Make sure we set the CQC user presence string when we start loading into the CQC menu, otherwise it will say we are in open play when we are on the loading screen
– If we detect a CQC game is imbalanced (i.e. only 1 person in deathmatch or a 3v1 in team games) the it will start a 30 second countdown to end the game early. This countdown will be cancelled if someone else joins and balances the game out a bit
– We now give players notifications for when someone joins/leaves/disconnects from the same CQC match that they are in
– Fix drive placement/damagability on empire fighter drives
– Drop ‘CMDR’ from gamertag when showing score summary as there’s not enough room and everyone is a commander on that screen
– If we receive a session error and we are the host to a squad, them make sure to remove the squad from matchmaking to avoid errors of being in the wrong state
– After respawning after dying in a proving ground, make sure the respawn menu is closed
– Fix for the CQC score screen staying up between matches if you have it open when the match ends
– CQC ShieldBooster multiplier too small, bumped from 4% to 10%.
– Fix an issue when trying to start a game with more players that in supports
– Fix an issue with team sorting, it was possible for the team sorting to happen when we didn’t have all the players data, so it couldn’t split into teams correctly
– Performance fixes for Arena
– Remove the CMDR from the front of the name in the match summary screen
– Accepting squad invite loading into CQC front end results in error fixed
Private Groups (Xbox)
– Focus of the main GUI window is lost after creating a private group
– The list of players in a private group should open the gamercard when selected
– You lose navigation of Private Groups if you cancel leaving a group fixed
– Fixed losing UI focus after creating a group
– Show user a pop-up message rather than an error when selecting a group search result they’re already in
Ship Art:
– Modified trimesh hitcheck for targeting weapons to work on the Cutter
– Fixed hardpoint slot decal renumbering and adjusted thruster on Keelback
– Improved LODS on cargobay for all ships
– Bobble head stem fixes on some ship cockpits
– Added Low LOD lights and fixed clipping issue in Cutter cockpit
– Make sure that landing gear collision is in the right place at the right time
– Type 6 landing gears have some of the pistons broken fixed
– Type 7 landing gears have some of the pistons broken fixed
– Keelback Hardpoint door clips into thruster fixed
– Fixed UV mapping issue on the Cutter large hardpoint insets
– Fixed the landing gear on the Keelback not deploying in sync
– Added in cargo bay door and fixed some hitcheck issues for the Anaconda
– Fix for non shadow casting ship headlights (Anaconda and Cutter)
– Make the struts an interior material so they get the nicer clip plane on the Vulture cockpit
– Four types of generic utility hardpoints for use as Scanners, Shield Boosters etc
– Burning embers on permanent damage now cools off over time
– Fixed greeble issues on the Anaconda
– Fixed Anaconda chair positions and orientations
– Let the Corvette’s schematic get smaller when departing a planet surface
– Updated Scratch, Dirt maps etc to improve appearance of damaged states and fix issues with damage appearing on new ships
– Fix for Python hitcheck issue
– Fixed flipped decals on Type 6, Type 7, and Type 9
– Fixed mirrored decal on Diamondback Explorer
– Viper MkIV flipped decal fixed
– Adjustments to Imperial Cutter cockpit to fix some camera and HUD issues
– Fix for incorrect hardpoint doors opening and closing in outfitting on Type 6
– Updated Orca cockpit so bobbleheads don’t intersect broken canopy
– Fixed flipped hardpoints on Keelback
– Fixed medium hardpoints were intersecting with the weapon’s cage
– Ensure that cockpit exterior textures aren’t loaded twice
– Now the Federation Corvette has bespoke landing gear doors animations
– Decal pass on all ships
– Fixed hitcheck for the ASP scout to cover wings
– Some hitcheck fixes on the Imperial Cutter
– Fixed offset shield issues with the Vulture
– Keep clear text flipped on Corvette hull fixed
– Fixed some hitcheck issues with the Orca
– Fixed landing volumes for Asp Scout
– Fixed offset hitcheck on the hauler, also fixed the landing gear hitcheck so that it covers the doors so that the SRV won’t drive through them now
– Increased the height of the buggy bay so that it doesn’t clip when you look up in the SRV
– Updated the Eagle’s top hardpoint to not clip and be able to fire when small weapon is applied
– Updated the Imperial Cutter’s retro drive unit so that the particle fires the correct direction
– Fixed stretched texture on the front of the Type 9
– Fixed bone position on the Cutter’s rear thrusters
– Fix some issues with Sidewinder landing gear
– Fixed mirrored text and incorrectly rotated light on the Python
– Fixed an AO issue on the Type 9
– Fixed multiple issues regarding the Imperial Eagle
– Viper Paint ‘MCV2’ LOD issue fixed
– Fix a mesh issue on the Viper
Building Art:
– Fixed some flimmering decals on buildings
– Fixed offset collision on holographics
– Offset the collision more under the external planet port buttresses to stop the top of the SRV clipping
– Fixed missing geometry on a section of the science outpost
– Fixed offset collision mesh for buildings
– Fixed some lodding issues on buildings
– Buildings texture fixes
– Fixed floating decals on buildings
– Extended foundations on the Dome outbuildings to help prevent them from floating over the ground on very bumpy terrain
– Fix various floating buildings
– Added an extension to the entrance ramp to improve access to a crater base if its placed on particularly bumpy terrain
– Removed some rogue ground polygons which sometimes clipped into planetary port hangars
– Fixed intersecting text on low lod of medium sized planetary hangar
– Don’t generate small rocks within planetary ports
– Fixed offset UVs on the small planetary landing pad, which was causing textures to pop between LODs
Celestial Bodies:
– Prevent rings intersecting moons
– Make sure that a ring is not completely invisible
– Planet pops in and out of view when close to the edge of the viewport fixed
– Graphics settings-dependant rocks now placed near existing rocks to maintain patch layout, so that graphics settings now only affect the general density, rather than the pattern of placement
– Small surface rocks now generate right up to and around settlements
– Game is not waiting for physics terrain to be ready on start-up at planet fixed
– Reduce the green component of the starlight starting with surface temperatures greater than 8000K. This moves the colour scheme more towards the expected colour range for O-B stars
– Reduce the maximum brightness from the star so that not every system follows the full range. This is a loose guard to stop dim stars with a nearby frost line from having high-albedo planets in over bright conditions
– Fix the desaturated starlight target – it had been transitioning to full-grey instead of a fraction of the true/conventional colour mix
– Fix a bug where patch lighting wasn’t being generated and causing planets to render at low detail
– Disable the terrain depth prepass render nodes when the player isn’t on near/on the planet surface
– Ejecta crater basins, edges, and multiring regions play nice with each other – the subsequent craters in the array should (mostly) stamp out the previous ones
– A layer of noise from crater basins has been removed as it misbehaves for planets with large radius
– The europa line depths have been exaggerated for large planets
– Various optimisations for planet surface rendering
– Add a very low terrain option for use in environment map captures
– Optimisations for weapon effects on planet surfaces
– Improved LOD management over distance
– Enable asteroid shadow casting in ultra quality settings
– Put the rocky/metal asteroid shaders into the correct FX list, there’s no need for them to be doing any forward rendering
– Add high quality bloom settings and preset updates for new bloom settings. Currently enabled for ultra and high presets for Win64 and OSX, and also enabled for Xbox One. The previous bloom has been kept in as a cheaper medium setting
– Colour re-balance and general housekeeping for Rocky asteroid rings.
– Changed billboard colour to better match “real” rocks
– Tweaked billboard normal to give better surface detail
– Tweaked fog effects when in ring to add more “atmosphere”
– Balancing pass on Metal and Ice asteroid rings:
– Billboard diffuse textures tweaked to remove shading.
– Billboard colour matched to “real” asteroid diffuse better.
– Billboard normals given more detail.
– Ring fog boosted and balanced for greater atmosphere.
– Ring distant specular brought down into sensible ranges as much as possible
– Transition from distant ring to close up ring (in supercruise) improved to be more visually pleasing
– Fix for large surface rock rotations not matching the correct settings
– Enable asteroid SSS at medium material quality
– Change to help reduce the brightness of ice ring systems
– Texture generation workload size is now increased during System Map loads to compensate for vsync
– Fix environment map null render logic
– Fix black strip artefacts on planets
– Tweak shadow bias settings for planetary approach on ultra to reduce some blocky artefacts
– Fixed non-linear depth for stars and planets
– Fix AO artefacts due to precision issues on terrain patches
– Prevent light showing through planets that use lookup tables for atmosphere scattering, like gas giants
– Implemented alternative technique for baked shadow calculation that removes precision issues. This fixes patchy shadow artefacts on large planets
– Fix an issue where planets were using the wrong lighting when rendering sometimes
– Improve LOD calculation for surface patches
– Replace the authored ring detail texture with a generated texture which is unique for every ringed planet and does not tile
– Scale frequency of detail texture on planet rings so that rings of differing breadths have uniform detail effects
– AMD optimisation for terrain patch generation
– Asteroid billboards are now deferred. This means that the ring fog is able to interact with them correctly
– Changed how planet rings shadow. They now receive more realistic, much less diffused planet shadows. Rings background occlusion values have all been boosted as well
– Fixed the asteroids in the ring sometimes not appearing when dropping out in them
– Planet base dust is now driven from blended surface material colour
– Stop shield geometry being drawing into the environment map (was causing the planets to turn blue sometimes)
– Fix an issue where stellarforge live objects would not get a FOR shift it it happened the same frame as a location transfer, this would mean the live objects would be a few km out of position
– Fix star glow effects
– Only apply depth bias to non-miniature stellar bodies
– Stop star glow effects depth testing incorrectly
– Shader fix
– After a location transfer, make sure to add the asteroids to the new asteroid octree, otherwise they wouldn’t appear on the radar
– Fix some unsightly miscoloured rocks/dust/decals that can display briefly when transitioning between cruise and normal flight while we’re still waiting for the planet surface colour to be calculated
– Kill solar flare particles and particle emitters when we move far away from a star
– Are you still reading these patch notes?
– Fix lens flares from clipping against near plane
– Fix stereoscopic display resolution issues when using borderless window
– Fix for normal maps having an incorrect format in Win64 resource builds
– Add additional options to frame limiter and increase accuracy
– Stop beam laser light sources from flickering
– Added new VR High and Low graphics options
– Fixes for particle visuals when shadows are set to the lowest setting
– Decal rendering optimisations
– Disabling the GUI now dims the HUD lights
– Improved default HBAO settings and fixed reading settings from the graphic configuration XMLs
– Fix AO quality presets for Windows
– Changed how the size for HBAO quarter res elements was calculated in order to avoid any additional aliasing
– Added scaling for the AO radius based on the distance to the camera. This ensures that we get some HBAO contribution on far away objects in large scenes (such as station interiors and settlements).
– Environment map blending optimisations
– Rebalanced shadows for all quality levels and profiles
– Fixed the light diffusion on lit dust
– Clear any pending terrain queries when we shut down or deactivate. Make sure we sample the terrain less often if we’re on a ship
– Asteroid billboard optimisations to bring performance back in line with the old forward rendered billboards
– Star rendering optimisation
– Fix frame of reference shifts for trail decals
– Missing arrival effects for ships dropping from supercruise to normal space fixed
– When dropping out of supercruise at a USS, make sure that the motion lines have a sensible direction
– Fix HMD cockpit position for ships
– Fix VR performance issue in glide mode
– Fix for no head look when in hyperspace
– Updated the main menu hangar
– Fix headlook not working when playing on a 3D TV
– Make 3D mode revert to off when options attempt to set HMD when it is not present
– Update hangar VR cameras
– Instead of always blocking the “shift+tab” button combo for the steam overlay, look up the current steam users steam overlay binding and block that key combo in game
Stellar Forge:
– Rename some duplicate star systems
– Capitol is no longer a water world
– Change StellarForge population to match system data in LHS 2819
– Renamed CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 to Beagle Point
– The authored Naraka system has been renamed to Arbuda
– Renamed EACTAINDS GN-W C1-6 to Rendezvous Point
– Renamed duplicate HR 6946 to Mammon
– Updated translations
– Fix for errant ‘location’ text field not being translated
– Use localised strings for star types that previously weren’t
– Fix some localisation issues with the training scenarios
– Localised Galnet’s Powerplay prediction
– Adjusted ship name to cover 2 lines instead of 1 in the shipyard
Xbox One Specific:
– Fix physics crash with overheating ship and fuel scooping
– Fix softlock entering or leaving supercruise
– Fix error retrieving star data when the data hasn’t loaded yet
– Add option to hide user’s presence in rich presence
– Unable to see any notifications in the top right panel about the flag in CTF fixed
– When a player is invited into a game, try to use your squads suggested team as your suggested team, this should help the xBox backfill matchmaking make better team suggestions for new members
– Allow comms to remain open between squad mates until a CQC game starts, then it will switch over to team comms. After a match has ended it will go back to squad comms
– Fix issue with player being kicked if they’re Live data wasn’t properly initialised as the session was being created
– Activate panel controls while focussed on the scanner panel for consistency – can now use pad B to exit the focus
– Docking computer activates hardpoints and fires at station without player input
– Always show the friend options popup, even if the only options are Show Gamercard and Back. This is less confusing than just automatically showing the gamercard in some situations
– Add greater facility for binding controls
– Prevent unlocking ship-killing achievements by killing skimmers
– Fix full gamertag not being shown when targeting wing wake
– Made space for gamertag in CQC menus able to fit 15 characters wide
– To the right of Arena on Main Menu are links to Training Videos, these block Controller Navigation to Comms Contacts fixed
– Various UI performance optimisations
– Enabled HBAO by default on Xbox One
– Fix issue with video player when coming back from constrained mode
– Friends and Private Groups: Pressing B with a friend selected backs out of friends completely instead of just the sub-menu fixed
– Fix system request error
– Reject profiles as soon as they are signing out and sign out is not being deferred to prevent soft lock
– Fix threading issue when leaving wing while suspending
– Controls Help text has a Translucent black backdrop which in some instances fixed
– Prevent button mashing putting context menu appearing anywhere
– Correctly handle “Show Gamercard” option on Groups page
– Fixed incorrect prompt for classified camera mode in SRV
– Enable Menu Groups should default to false, so it doesn’t affect (most) people’s custom controller bindings
– Reduce stall created by system map info panel update on xbox: now info panel is updated only when camera stops moving, allowing faster navigation above objects without lagging
– System map / bookmarks : hooking up B button to exit drop down menu or popup if displayed
– Fixed incorrect preset graphics error
– Enabled station fog on XBox
– Fix aliasiing on deferred shadows
– Fix another potential ESRAM aliasing issue with the HBAO node
– Fix for potential ESRAM aliasing between the schematic and blur nodes
– Decal rendering optimisations
– Renamed advanced armour to be consistent with the hull reinforcement upgrades with the same effect
– Top level module selections listed as ‘Other’ for both module options at Qwent Research Base fixed
– Fixed modified jitter stat off-by-one problem
– Implemented blueprint sorting
– Removed special effect warning from ‘view cost & generate’ pop-up and fixed the non-localised string
– Refresh engineer data after discarding
– Add generic “You’ve learned some information about a new engineer, $#name;. Check your log for more details.” message when unlocking a new engineer to notify players of a change
– Adjust timers for mass lock munitions and both Choke Canister (Ion disruption) and Shift-lock canister for making more sense of their buffs and a longer immunity period
– Fix misnamed parameter which was causing locked recipes to appear unlocked
– Change default class of module assumed for pinned recipes in commander log to take into account that we don’t have class 1 engines
– Overhaul Feedback Cascade: Now rather than breaking the shields, will inhibit the shield cell to only heal 10% of what it otherwise would do, and will deal direct damage to the shield cell bank equal to half the weapon damage
– Fixes to the donation popup button
– Known Engineers ‘Sort Results’ options are not sorting ‘By Access Level’ correctly fixed
– When the recipe pinned for an engineer changes, the commander log does not update fixed
– Fixed incorrect string for long range recipe
– Double amount of micro resource inventory capacity from 300 to 600 on physical and 100 to 200 on data
– To help players find crafting resources, UI’s displaying Engineer recipes now have a ‘tooltip’ for each ingredient
– Fixed the ‘removed effect’ box sometimes not appearing on crafting UI
– Added loc strings for ‘Where are my pinned recipes’ helper popup
– Added popup explaining where pinned recipes can be found
– Fixed flickering UI when showing engineer popup with a face/text combo
– Added text field to the level progress to describe the unlock condition e.g. “Buy Modifications”
– Added an appropriate spinny ‘wait’ UI state while the modification is being rolled
– Fixed crafting UI not rendering text in Russian
– Add a resistance to heat-adding weaponry (Thermal Shock and Retributors primarily) so that the hotter the target already is the less effective they become, one or two weapons are still effective, without 6-8 being totally out of the park. It should still be fairly easy (though harder) to push ships into module damage, as they start reaching hull damage diminishing returns will kick in severely. becoming immune to these effects at 300% heat or higher, preventing the 8000%+ cases we’ve seen
– Added some schematics for Engineer bases
– Added Engineer ident audio
– Help information on the Potential Outcome menu does not disappear if you exit completely out of the screen by pressing ‘B’ fixed
– Recipes should now be referred to as blueprints
– Don’t show progress bar when at maximum level – now applies in commander log as well as workshop UI
– Bias the rolls for engineer-crafted items, following several factors:
– Existence of a special effect tends to mean you rolled nearer the top of the ranges
– Items tend to be more consistent in extremity of positive and negative mods when both exist
– Rolls are now biased towards slightly above centre as a baseline
– Removed some of the common materials so there isn’t quite so many different ones to collect
– Fixed Shield Booster recipe modifiers that made them affect hull rather than shield
– Added engineer ident to services welcome animation
– Tweak drop rates of data materials from basic scanning ships and add PowerPlay archetypes to loot tables to make sure the drop materials
– Fix capping on bounty donations
– Fix incorrect invite progress for stat based invites
– Pressing UI_SELECT to skip the engineering animation will no longer continue on to select a Nav button
– Fixed bug where the recipe list on the ‘Apply, are you sure’ popup would have items that are vertically too large
– Buttons should not be active when you have ‘No Engineer Selected’ in the Engineers interface
– Fix a bug spotted in stat displays for Mechanics where the difference value for stats shown as absolutes (primarily damage resistances) used the total value, not the difference
– Made the removing modification dialog box bigger
– When the recipe has no side effects we show a “This Recipe has no side effects” and the None state in the UI
– Opening the Known Engineers page whilst crafting an Item will cause the Item to be lost
– Fix to make sure we always send inbox notifications when sending engineer invites on login
– View Engineer Menu is Opaque and isn’t navigable after hitting Launch while being in your hanger fixed
– Check that the player owns Horizons before sending out engineer invites
– The Engineers workshop UI will now show a box describing the effects of any previous modifications being removed
– The ‘Preview’ button is now focused by default when pressing right (it was focusing on the new recipe tooltips before)
– Fill in engineer relationship history
– Allow reputation to be earned from other sources than generating upgrades
– Fixed players being unable to pay fines or hand in bounties for engineer factions.
– Fixed the locking of station services at engineer bases checking for the incorrect relationship threshold
– Make sure that blueprints are locked off to the appropriate ranks
– Can’t navigate to Donate button at Engineer Workshop with Controller, focus is locked on Back
– Engineer modified modules showing incorrect percentage fixed
– Prevent the player from backing out of the outcome panel after retrying a craft
– Remove Modification does not update UI
– Don’t try rendering an icon as a localised string
– Adjusted avatar constraints for dictatorship and prison colony mission givers of Alliance and Independent mission givers
– Alliance/Independent Dictatorship and Prison Colony now use all of their accessories
– Male geometry and skinning refined to help prevent neck intersection
– Alliance/Independent Communism, Confederacy, Cooperative, Corporate and Democracy governments now have a chance to have a pair of glasses at Allied
– Added longer hairstyle onto the male portrait avatars
– Fixed hair intersecting with certain face shapes
– Adjusted some of the female hair styles
– Added hat for female engineers
– Alliance/Independent Dictatorship government now have a more varied set of accessories to choose from
– Empire Patronage now has a more varied accessory progression
– Corrected a typo so the indie theocracy uses the right kind of jacket
– Fixed inconsistent mission giver backgrounds
– Ensure we don’t get odd FOVs for banner textures
– Fix to prevent Lei Cheung’s eye deformation when posed
– Added a failure state that will abort a portrait request after a large period of time waiting for a texture to be provided, so the system won’t be stalled indefinitely
– Improve the time it takes to generate avatar portraits
– Female Theocracy jacket now has military shoulderpads fixed
– Fixed accessories on female Independent and government constraints
– Blue avatar lighting fix
– Federation Jacket & shirt palettes are always the same fixed
– Enable skullcaps and helmets on Portraits + Engineers
– Hyperspace is now much bigger to accommodate large ships
– Passing lens flares now fade in rather than ‘pop’
– Added more distant stars to create a sense of depth
– Reduced the frequency of nebula models
– Added an extra light
Orbital Cruise
– Fixed one aspect of the glide sequence sounding weird
– Audio: Fix a broken altitude ratio rtpc that was causing some weirdness in the glide sequence
– Optimisations to OrbitalHUD UI
– Are you sure you’re still reading these patch notes?
– Added separate outfitting category for mining lasers
– Speculative fix for abrupt stop in audio transition when entering outfitting
– Added stats for vehicle bays
– The outfitting Values Min / Current / Max for jump distance seem to be inconsistent fixed
– Vehicle slots have ‘fixed/gimbal/turret’ options fixed
– Added a indication that a installed module on a ship is “modified” in outfitting
– Vehicle bay sub slots now check the stock properly, rather than defaulting to “no stock”
– Updated Outfitting resources to point at the correct UI icons per module
– Fix shield optimal strength always being reported as 100 rather than the correct value
– Changed the Outfitting to use 3 rows instead of 4 and updated item styling to accommodate those changes
– Changed Mining Launcher Category Icon to make the text on top of it more readable
– No Indication is given that a installed module on a ship is “modified” in outfitting fixed
– Fixed missing description string for Shield Generator Maximum Hull Mass
– Fixed Missile and Torpedo outfitting category icons being the wrong way around
– Vehicle Bay Slot in Vehicle Hanger doesn’t list or show the SRV fixed
– Added rating indicator to a module’s name
– When showing context menu, allow LMB on the list to act as ‘back’
– Fixed armour piercing stat for mining lasers
– Fix for the wrong top speed and boost speed values being shown
– The first stat item in the footer now changes based on the type of item/slot being viewed
– Fixed module info on read more screen
– Back from Buy & Read More now takes you to actions menu
– Entering the inventory shop default focus was currently fitted item, but requested details on the first item from the list below fixed
– Fixed incorrect life support power draw value
– Ensure the correct Outfitting Band loc strings are used
– Fixes to the way module comparison percentages are displayed
– Outfitting modification info text and indicator overspill
– Outfitting Shop Item – Back from Buy & Read More
– UI was sending the wrong set of module slot IDs for swapping livery item fixed
– Handled text fields with names of modules and module slots better to not go beyond the edge
– Updated Hangar cameras to fit the new Engineer hangars
– Fix for settlement/port voice volumes
– Fixed and edited geometry to hide clipping meshes/bounding volumes on hangar interiors
– The Dweller – Gap under the large biome fixed
– Added Lights to Breakers Yard
– Rocks seen at the back of Felicity Farseers Engineers base in large landing pad hangar fixed
– Fix various pad issues at Pater’s Memorial
– Fix engineer rock formations not having the correct colour in supercruise
– Fixed hitcheck on small engineer landing pad
– Reduced volume on one of the loud settlement alarms
– Mix fix for Independent 01 Station Voice
– Fixed offset medium landing pads
– Engineer Garage – Light bones misplaced and missing fixed
– Updated tile rate on Large pad rock material
– Fixed terrain cut out issues causing lad geo to render on top of terrain
– Removed unused material draw call from Medium pad
– Remade Hitcheck for large pad throughout
– Fixed hitcheck on Medium Engineer Pad
– Fixed landing pad allocation message being displayed when boarding at a port from an SRV
– Fixed offset landing pad and floating regolith heaters
– Fixed offset landing pad and rock which was intruding into one of the hangar bays
– Lori Jameson – Large biome is slightly floating fixed
– Fixed areas where rocks were intruding into several hangars
– Broo Tarquin – Landing pads misaligned fixed
– Zac Nemo base – large gap in bridge fixed
– Fixed the large hangar rock wall that had some of its exterior mesh showing through
– Heri Tani – Floating geometry fixed
– Fix light orientation on large landing pad
– Landing pads will now play ambiences which fit to their parenting station
– Fixed broken security alarm sound
– The Dweller – Gap under the small biome fixed
– Raised two of the most problematic hangers a few meters which seems to improve the situation inside with seeing rogue terrain patches
– Added Terrain and DepthBlocker meshes, so that if we are looking at a pad displaying a lower LOD, and the pad animates, we see a hole through the terrain
– Fixed Zfighting on the landing pads
– Fix for settlement rocks appearing white
– Upgraded some settlements and added new ports so Factions can be interacted with in some newly colonised starsystems
– Fix a bunch of mining extractors around ports without model override
– Updated the audio crowd control to use 16 min and 60 max dispersion for Audio Settlements
– Make sure we are unregistered with the right planet port voice manager rather than whichever is closest
– Changed the minimum and maximum values for crowd point dispersion in settlements. This will allow the crowd system to scale better with the different settlement sizes and prevent clusters of audio objects in small settlements
– Minor change to weighting and volume of a very annoying radio chatter line
– Fixed terrain depth blocker on the medium landing pad surround
– Added Lights to the Bridge Lift Section and Bridge Lift Top meshes
– Added LODs to Breakers Yard
– Bridge section art resources updated
– Able to drive/fly through various giant drill parts in Pater’s Memorial
– Structures not properly meeting the ground at Palin Research Centre
– Liz Ryder base – remove weapons range decals
– Dekker’s Yard base building not flat with ground
– Flickering texture on side of building at MacCurdy Arsenal fixed
– Set up engineer garage reverb zone and prototype
– Fixed issue with Landing Pad 7 with clipping terrain
– Moved dock 6 slightly to stop the clipping between the interior of the hangar and the large tower
– Fix for settlement ambiences not being heard on Engineer Bases
– Fix missing textures and add LODs for Prospectors Rest
– Fix for settlement security voice events and problem with offset
– Navigation Panel indefinitely tries to scan Engineer Base for SubTargets
– Updated UVs on Pillars and Walls
– Fixed invisible ceiling
– Improve the depth blocking placement on the majority of hangers
– Added another indie flight controller variant
– Improvements to Alliance 02 flight controller
– Planet port voice factions now match their ATC counterparts
– ATC won’t welcome you until you’ve taken off from terrain if landed on a planet and not docked
– ATC lines are suppressed whilst landed on a planet, apart from hostile messages, hostile hails and docking requests
– Docking request messages now stop welcome hails from playing after them
– Added detail pass and polish to medium neutral hangars
– Added detail pass to high tech medium hangars
– Polish of large rundown hangars
– Fix for flight controllers not being loaded on some rich stations
– If we don’t let the player request boarding to a port from an SRV because we’re too close to our ship, make sure the ship voice tells them their request has been denied
Headline Audio Features:
Audio – Flight controller voices on starports, planet ports and engineer bases
Audio – Ambient radio chatter when close to starports and planet ports
Audio – SRV combat music
Audio – SRV voice alerts
Audio – Settlement security voice and alarms
Audio – Planet port ambient Tannoy voice announcements
Audio Support for Main 2.1 Features
Audio – sounds for all engineer related screens
Audio – support for missions screens
Audio – Engineer base ambiences
Audio – new ambiences for underground docking bays
Audio – Audio sweeteners and changes to reflect the dynamic properties of the weapons
Audio – support for new POIs/USSs
Audio – support for new collectable items/materials
Audio – Audio support for new weapons: Huge multi-cannon, pulse and beam lasers, and large multi-cannon
Audio – support for USS scanning
Additional Audio Features:
Audio – Added more Starport voices
Audio – Added Wavescanner volume slider to audio options
Audio – added SRV handbrake sounds and Voice alert (which can be switched off)
Audio – added SRV boarding alert sound (pings when in the correct position to board ship/port)
Audio – Added audio for modules powering up
Audio – SRV headlights
Audio – Manual shield deactivation sound (different to forced deactivation in combat)
Audio – Discover scanner is now audible on other ships at close range
Improvements, Bugs and Mixing
Audio – Improvements to port and settlement ambiences
Audio – Improvements and additions to reverbs on settlements and planet ports
Audio – Various skimmer improvements
Audio – Numerous tweaks to SRV audio
Audio – Improved Anaconda and Type 9 boost sounds
Audio – Wave scanner “man-made” sound, is now separate sounds for Generator, Mining area, and Ship/SRV
Audio – Numerous bug fixes
Audio – Various improvements to memory management and soundbank loading
Audio – New fancy system to manage distribution of sound emitters over the area of a settlement or planet port (internally called Audio-Crowd-System!)
Audio – updated Wwise to v2015.1.5
Audio – numerous optimisations to voice count, and compression settings