Justice League Jeopardy (Out of Heroes)

Just what the hell has Zack Snyder been piping on about?

There’s been a heck of a lot of news coming from the set of Justice League recently, so Alex, Stuart and Scott try to make sense of it all. Episode 2 of the Out of Heroes podcast ends in a discussion about all things Justice League, including the newly revealed logo and synopsis, and the impressions that came out of the recent set visit.

They also play an interesting game, the goal of which is try to make sense of Zack Snyder’s answers to the questions of several journalists… but this proves to be an unclimbable mountain. Check it out in the clip below:

They also discuss what they think could save this movie from repeating the mistakes of the past, and speculate as to how Snyder and co might handle the ensemble movie.

If you want to check out the rest of the episode, you can use this YouTube playlist to see the whole thing, or just skip to the bits you’re most interested in. If you prefer audio-only, you can find us on iTunes and other places. Let us know what you think with thumbs and hateful comments.

ComicsFilmHighlightsOpinionOut Of HeroesTV And Movies

Alex was once engaged in a fight to the death with his arch nemesis Colin. Colin had the upper hand but Alex managed to kick him in the nuts, a surprisingly tough feet considering Colin was a giraffe. Alex had Colin pinned, just as he was about to strike his fatal blow a voice from the crowed shouted! "Alex Wait!" So Alex waited, but colin used the opportunity to destroy Alex once and for all. Now all that remains of Alex is this profile pic, with the last words he ever heard written beside it.
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