Tanked Up 253 – Outriders in Tight Spaces

On the show this week Ben moans about the steps he had to take with his Square Enix account and accessing the Outriders Demo. Aadil and Ben have played...

On the show this week Ben moans about the steps he had to take with his Square Enix account and accessing the Outriders Demo. Aadil and Ben have played said demo and give their thoughts. Lucy has finished Mutropolis, returned to Curse of Monkey Island and played Room to Grow. Aadil streamed Fights in Tight Spaces whilst Ben watched and Lucy played separately so we finish with a big discussion on the early access title.

Our beers this week are The Answer is Within the Question from Pomona Island, Wylams You Can’t Download the Future, The Big Cinder Toffee Stout from New Bristol Brewery, and Left Handed Giants Breathing: Conversations.


Ben is like a fine wine, he spends far to much time in cellars. He deliberately developed a stutter and a slur and walks with a limp to conceal his raging alcohol problem. Once beat up a fish for looking at him funny. Ben hosts the Tanked up podcast, but we are pretty sure he isn't aware of that.
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