
  • Children of Morta Header 1280x720

    Why Dying is Essential in Children of Morta

    There are many reasons why Children of Morta is a remarkable game but the one reason that has taken root in my mind is how the simple act of dying serves a much greater purpose. Children of Morta is a grindy RPG Roguelike about the Bergson family and their...
  • The Surge 2 1920 x 1080

    The Surge 2: First Two Hours (and a bit…)

    I’ve never played Dark Souls or Bloodborne but I have played The Surge, and although I’m not fond of the Soulslike genre The Surge’s sci-fi setting had me hooked from the get-go. It should come as no surprise then, that I was excited to play The Surge 2. From...
  • Red Dead Redemption II Trailer drops!

    Watch it here:   Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer #2Watch this video on YouTube   Still with me? did you take it all in? Maybe watch it again: Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer #2Watch this video on YouTube   My god it’s glorious. So the new trailer...