Remedy Currently Working On Two AAA Games

Just not THAT sequel...

The Max Payne and Quantum Break creator, Remedy is currently working on two AAA games. Unfortunately for Alan Wake fans, neither of them will be the much-rumored sequel.

Sorry Alan

Sorry Alan

In a recent interview with Polygon, the developer revealed their plans for the future. The first of the two game they are currently working on will be a brand new IP, a AAA game being made with a new partner, one that isn’t Microsoft. This could literally be anything at the point.

The second is also a AAA project that is currently only in the concept stage, interestingly they haven’t said it was new IP so this could be a sequel to this years smash hit Quantum Break. Neither of the two new games will be shown this year so don’t go expecting any news from them at E3 or Gamescom.

Quantum break

Quantum Break

So where does this leave Alan Wake 2, well Remedy has previously said it would consider it after work on Quantum Break was finished. The team said they have spoken about the future of the franchise, but currently have no plans at the moment.

Thankfully Remedy now has two full development teams allowing them to work on two projects simultaneously. Remedy business director, Johannes Paloheimo said:

“We don’t want to take five years to ship a game, It’s been a long process, trying to transition into a two team studio, but now we can make more games faster and diversify both financially and creatively.”

More Remedy games with less time in between can only be a good thing and I for one can’t wait to see what the studio announces next. For more on their future projects and more, stick with Out Of Lives!



Writer, Editor, Risk Taker. Dave Wyatt is the 62nd Heir to the throne. Which throne? He won't tell us. We gave him the task of writing all the profiles and the about us section. As you can see it was a mistake. However we shall keep them because he is totally a handsome chap.
One Comment
  • Out Of Lives Network
    8 June 2016 at 6:24 pm
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    Just give me Alan Wake 2 🙁

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