Tanked Up 53 – How Sweet It Is

This week marks the triumphant return of the beerisistable Lucy Yearwood, along with the awesome two-some Ben & Aadil. We talk ‘Mafia III’, Ben gushes about ‘Battlefield 1’ (Aadil...

This week marks the triumphant return of the beerisistable Lucy Yearwood, along with the awesome two-some Ben & Aadil. We talk ‘Mafia III’, Ben gushes about ‘Battlefield 1’ (Aadil does too). Of course there are the obligatory mentions of ‘Hitman’ and ‘Super Hexagon’. We then go on to talk all serious-like about harassment in VR, and gaming in general with the standard tact and politeness you all have come to expect. Also there are bits about official alcohol units, driving and all other kinds of nonsense. #theusual

Ben and Aadil, despite being geographically divorced, had the Burning Sky ‘Easy Answers’ IPA, while Lucy started off with Ilkley ‘Dinner Ale’, a Victorian Pale Ale.

In a totally planned occasion all three of us finish off with Arbor’s ‘Super Yakima’ American Double IPA.

Apologies the sound is a little wonk this week.


Aadil Kurji is an enigma. It is said that if you say Aadil into a mirror 6 times whilst standing on his face he will get very angry. Aadil makes up the entire team of the Out of Lives Canadian branch and for that he is sorry. Aadil hosts the popular beer and gaming podcast Tanked Up
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